Standardize your hiring process
Connect with our team to see certified assessments in action.
The old standbys for evaluating talent can only get you so far in today’s market. Job descriptions and degrees are imprecise measures and ultimately, you have to hope for the best. That’s why companies are increasingly emphasizing skills over pedigree. Skills are specific. You’re replacing a best guess with GPS. And when you have a shared skills strategy anchored in our world-class skills taxonomy, you can navigate your future with confidence.
Take the guesswork out of mapping roles to skills and find the right talent with greater precision.
Maintain a constantly updated and validated skills taxonomy with little hassle.
Use experiential challenges mapped to in-demand skills to ensure fair, valid, accurate collection of skills data.
Adopting a common skills taxonomy reduces confusion, accelerates hiring velocity, and facilitates internal mobilization.
You don’t have time to manually operate an effective skills strategy. And you shouldn’t have to. We’ll help you automate from start to finish.
How you measure skills is critical. We use hands-on challenges in real coding environments to understand proficiency at a deeper level than you’ll ever get with multiple choice.
Connect with our team to see certified assessments in action.