Hire more. Hire better. Hire faster.

Companies around the world use HackerRank as the foundation of their tech hiring process. We think their results speak for themselves.


decrease in time engineers spend evaluating assessments


increase in skilled developers hired


hours saved per candidate interviewed

Stop herding cats and start hiring developers

World class plagiarism detection

Standardize processes, skills, and roles across your org and integrate with your HR tech stack

Ensure validity

Structured assessment content and a scalable system make sure you test applicants consistently, whether you’re hiring one dev or 1,000.

Give every dev a fair shot

From adverse-impact studies to sensitivity reviews, our content undergoes expert-led analysis to help you test the skills that matter most

Optimize hiring

Set up the optimal hiring process for each tech role

We’ve helped companies hire millions of developers, and along the way we’ve learned that hiring processes are more effective when they’re tailored for the nuances of each role.

  • Set up an optimal hiring process for each role
  • Ensure the right skills are assessed at the right time, in the right way
  • Save your time while increasing hiring throughput
Test health

Keep your tests healthy and effective

Skills tests are a touchpoint of your brand, and when they miss the mark, they turn promising candidates away. Our rigorous test health analysis helps you see what’s working, what’s not, and what needs to change.

  • Dial in the ideal test difficulty, length, and attempt rate
  • Receive recommendations on improving candidate engagement
  • Implement certified assessments and leave the test health legwork to us
  • Go deeper into test health and perform adverse impact and validation studies with our I/O team
Assessment Integrity

Ensure fair and accurate assessments

Promote a fair test-taking environment with cutting-edge proctoring and unmatched AI-powered plagiarism detection.

  • Give every developer an equal opportunity to showcase their skills
  • Monitor dozens of signals, including copy/paste tracking and tab switching
  • Successfully detect AI use through enhanced code review
  • Know when tests are at risk thanks to leaked question monitoring and AI solvability flags

Trusted by the Fortune 100

  • Perform content validation studies and adverse impact analysis with our expert I/O team
  • Manage robust enterprise-grade integrations with leading ATS and HR tech platforms in our partner network
  • Partner with our expert services team to build custom content and challenges for your organization

See HackerRank In action

We've helped companies hire millions of developers, and along the way we've learned that hiring processes are more effective when they’re tailored for the nuances of each role.