Haskel Solution

    {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    -- via editorial
    module Main where
    import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
    import qualified Data.Vector as V
    import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as M
    import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
    import Data.List
    import Control.Monad.ST
    import Control.Monad.Primitive
    import Data.Bits
    import Data.Function
    import Data.Maybe
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      [_, k] <- fmap (map read . words) getLine :: IO [Int]
      as <- fmap (U.fromList . map read . words) getLine :: IO A
      let gs = stage1 as
      let rcs = stage2 as gs
      putStrLn (stage3 as gs rcs k)
    type A = UVec Int
    type G = [[Int]]
    type C = UVec Int
    type UVec = U.Vector
    type UMVec s a = UM.MVector s a
    stage1 :: A -> G
    stage1 as = runST $ do
      bs <- UM.replicate (succ n) 0
      gs <- M.replicate (succ n) []
        f [] = return []
        f ((i, a) : xs) = do
          l <- fmap (succ . maximum . (0:)) $ query bs (pred a)
          update bs (max l) a
          M.modify gs (i:) l
          fmap (l:) (f xs)
      ls <- f $ zip [0..] (U.toList as)
      fmap (take (maximum ls) . tail . V.toList) (V.freeze gs)
        n = U.length as
    stage2 :: A -> G -> C
    stage2 as gs = runST $ do
      bs <- UM.replicate (succ n) 0
      rcs <- UM.new n -- right counts
      sequence_ [UM.write rcs i 1 | i <- last gs]
        handleGroup (g1:gs1) (g2:gs2) = do
          writeCounts g1 g2
          sequence_ [clear bs (succ n - getA i) | i <- g2]
          handleGroup gs1 gs2
        handleGroup _ _ = return ()
        writeCounts (i:g1) g2 = do
          updateBs g3
          rc <- fmap (foldl' add 0) $ query bs (succ n - succ (getA i))
          UM.write rcs i rc
          writeCounts g1 g4
            (g3, g4) = span (> i) g2
        writeCounts _ _ = return ()
        updateBs [] = return ()
        updateBs (i:g1) = do
          rc <- UM.read rcs i
          update bs (add rc) (succ n - getA i)
          updateBs g1
      handleGroup (tail . reverse $ gs) (reverse gs)
      U.freeze rcs
        getA = (as U.!)
        n = U.length as
    stage3 :: A -> G -> C -> Int -> String
    stage3 as gs rcs k = runST $ do
      bs <- UM.replicate (n + 2) 0
        go _ [] _ = return []
        go k1 (dg:dgs1) ii = do
          mb <- findIi a_mb dg k1
          case mb of
            Nothing -> return []
            (Just (jj_lcs, k2)) -> do
              sequence_ [clear bs (succ i) | i <- ii]
              sequence_ [update bs (add lc) (succ j) | (j, lc) <- jj_lcs]
              let b = getA . fst . head $ jj_lcs
              fmap (b :) (go k2 dgs1 (map fst jj_lcs))
          where a_mb = if null ii then Nothing else (Just (getA (head ii)))
        findIi _ [] _ = return Nothing
        findIi a_mb (ii:iis) k1
          | isJust a_mb && b <= a = findIi a_mb iis k1
          | otherwise = do
            lcs <- if isJust a_mb then sequence [fmap (foldl' add 0) (query bs (succ i)) | i <- ii] else return (repeat 1) -- left counts
            let k2 = foldl' add 0 [mult lc (getRCount i) | (lc, i) <- zip lcs ii]
            if k2 < k1 then findIi a_mb iis (k1 - k2) else return (Just (zip ii lcs, k1))
            b = getA (head ii)
            (Just a) = a_mb
      xs <- go k dgs []
      return $ if null xs then "-1" else (intercalate " " (map show xs))
        n = U.length as
        -- divided groups (groups = indices grouped by left-length, divided = every group is again grouped, now by a-value. these subgroups we call inverse images)
        dgs = [groupBy ((==) `on` getA) . sortBy (compare `on` getA) $ g1 | g1 <- gs]
        getA = (as U.!)
        getRCount = (rcs U.!)
        -- lc = left count = number of ways to reach this position      
    query :: PrimMonad m => UMVec (PrimState m) Int -> Int -> m [Int]
    query bs i = sequence [UM.read bs j | j <- takeWhile (> 0) (iterate (\x -> x - (x .&. (-x))) i)]
    update :: PrimMonad m => UMVec (PrimState m) Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Int -> m ()
    update bs f i = sequence_ [UM.modify bs f j | j <- takeWhile (< UM.length bs) (iterate (\x -> x + (x .&. (-x))) i)]
    clear :: PrimMonad m => UMVec (PrimState m) Int -> Int -> m ()
    clear bs i = sequence_ [UM.write bs j 0 | j <- takeWhile (< UM.length bs) (iterate (\x -> x + (x .&. (-x))) i)]
    kBound :: Int
    kBound = 10 ^ (18 :: Int) + 1
    add :: Int -> Int -> Int
    add x y = min (x + y) kBound
    mult :: Int -> Int -> Int
    mult _ 0 = 0
    mult x y = if x > 1 + (kBound `quot` y) then kBound else (x * y)