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    Here is Super Kth LIS problem solution in Python Java C++ and C programming -


    Haskel Solution

    {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    -- via editorial
    module Main where
    import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
    import qualified Data.Vector as V
    import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as M
    import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
    import Data.List
    import Control.Monad.ST
    import Control.Monad.Primitive
    import Data.Bits
    import Data.Function
    import Data.Maybe
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      [_, k] <- fmap (map read . words) getLine :: IO [Int]
      as <- fmap (U.fromList . map read . words) getLine :: IO A
      let gs = stage1 as
      let rcs = stage2 as gs
      putStrLn (stage3 as gs rcs k)
    type A = UVec Int
    type G = [[Int]]
    type C = UVec Int
    type UVec = U.Vector
    type UMVec s a = UM.MVector s a
    stage1 :: A -> G
    stage1 as = runST $ do
      bs <- UM.replicate (succ n) 0
      gs <- M.replicate (succ n) []
        f [] = return []
        f ((i, a) : xs) = do
          l <- fmap (succ . maximum . (0:)) $ query bs (pred a)
          update bs (max l) a
          M.modify gs (i:) l
          fmap (l:) (f xs)
      ls <- f $ zip [0..] (U.toList as)
      fmap (take (maximum ls) . tail . V.toList) (V.freeze gs)
        n = U.length as
    stage2 :: A -> G -> C
    stage2 as gs = runST $ do
      bs <- UM.replicate (succ n) 0
      rcs <- n -- right counts
      sequence_ [UM.write rcs i 1 | i <- last gs]
        handleGroup (g1:gs1) (g2:gs2) = do
          writeCounts g1 g2
          sequence_ [clear bs (succ n - getA i) | i <- g2]
          handleGroup gs1 gs2
        handleGroup _ _ = return ()
        writeCounts (i:g1) g2 = do
          updateBs g3
          rc <- fmap (foldl' add 0) $ query bs (succ n - succ (getA i))
          UM.write rcs i rc
          writeCounts g1 g4
            (g3, g4) = span (> i) g2
        writeCounts _ _ = return ()
        updateBs [] = return ()
        updateBs (i:g1) = do
          rc <- rcs i
          update bs (add rc) (succ n - getA i)
          updateBs g1
      handleGroup (tail . reverse $ gs) (reverse gs)
      U.freeze rcs
        getA = (as U.!)
        n = U.length as
    stage3 :: A -> G -> C -> Int -> String
    stage3 as gs rcs k = runST $ do
      bs <- UM.replicate (n + 2) 0
        go _ [] _ = return []
        go k1 (dg:dgs1) ii = do
          mb <- findIi a_mb dg k1
          case mb of
            Nothing -> return []
            (Just (jj_lcs, k2)) -> do
              sequence_ [clear bs (succ i) | i <- ii]
              sequence_ [update bs (add lc) (succ j) | (j, lc) <- jj_lcs]
              let b = getA . fst . head $ jj_lcs
              fmap (b :) (go k2 dgs1 (map fst jj_lcs))
          where a_mb = if null ii then Nothing else (Just (getA (head ii)))
        findIi _ [] _ = return Nothing
        findIi a_mb (ii:iis) k1
          | isJust a_mb && b <= a = findIi a_mb iis k1
          | otherwise = do
            lcs <- if isJust a_mb then sequence [fmap (foldl' add 0) (query bs (succ i)) | i <- ii] else return (repeat 1) -- left counts
            let k2 = foldl' add 0 [mult lc (getRCount i) | (lc, i) <- zip lcs ii]
            if k2 < k1 then findIi a_mb iis (k1 - k2) else return (Just (zip ii lcs, k1))
            b = getA (head ii)
            (Just a) = a_mb
      xs <- go k dgs []
      return $ if null xs then "-1" else (intercalate " " (map show xs))
        n = U.length as
        -- divided groups (groups = indices grouped by left-length, divided = every group is again grouped, now by a-value. these subgroups we call inverse images)
        dgs = [groupBy ((==) `on` getA) . sortBy (compare `on` getA) $ g1 | g1 <- gs]
        getA = (as U.!)
        getRCount = (rcs U.!)
        -- lc = left count = number of ways to reach this position      
    query :: PrimMonad m => UMVec (PrimState m) Int -> Int -> m [Int]
    query bs i = sequence [ bs j | j <- takeWhile (> 0) (iterate (\x -> x - (x .&. (-x))) i)]
    update :: PrimMonad m => UMVec (PrimState m) Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Int -> m ()
    update bs f i = sequence_ [UM.modify bs f j | j <- takeWhile (< UM.length bs) (iterate (\x -> x + (x .&. (-x))) i)]
    clear :: PrimMonad m => UMVec (PrimState m) Int -> Int -> m ()
    clear bs i = sequence_ [UM.write bs j 0 | j <- takeWhile (< UM.length bs) (iterate (\x -> x + (x .&. (-x))) i)]
    kBound :: Int
    kBound = 10 ^ (18 :: Int) + 1
    add :: Int -> Int -> Int
    add x y = min (x + y) kBound
    mult :: Int -> Int -> Int
    mult _ 0 = 0
    mult x y = if x > 1 + (kBound `quot` y) then kBound else (x * y)

    minor point here but I keep getting a wrong score on case 16 (which does not show my output) -- running in visual studio I appear to be getting the correct result?

  • + 1 comment

    testcase 8, can it be wrong:

    the range 0 to 145, i have the same lis (the smallest prefix) as the solution. at index 146, the testcase expects to take 6353 which is the smallest, has only 648 children and thus covers rank 1..648, that is not enough for k=1000. I take the next higher which is 6538 and covers rank 649..1296. I have verified for hours but can't find the error (index are 0-based). I even see the path the expected result goes, because I have found that sequence too with a lower rank tough (between 217 and 648). I cross-checked the code several times.

    Could anybody verify this.

    here are some details about test case 8: - LIS length: 196 - # of LIS: 17'236'010'373'120 - sequence start: 38, 45, 96, 126, .. - sequence end: 9385, 9483, 9579, 9650, 9776, 9835, 9948

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