Given an array of integers (), find all possible increasing subsequences of maximum length, . Then print the lexicographically longest increasing subsequence as a single line of space-separated integers; if there are less than subsequences of length , print .
Two subsequences and are considered to be different if there exists at least one such that .
Input Format
The first line contains space-separated integers, and , respectively.
The second line consists of space-separated integers denoting respectively.
- for of the test data.
- for of the test data.
Output Format
Print a single line of space-separated integers denoting the lexicographically longest increasing subsequence; if there are less than subsequences of length , print .
Note: is the length of longest increasing subsequence in the array.
Sample Input 0
5 3
1 3 1 2 5
Sample Output 0
1 3 5
Sample Input 1
5 2
1 3 2 4 5
Sample Output 1
1 3 4 5
Sample Case 0:
The longest possible increasing subsequences in lexicographical order are:
Notice that the first and second subsequences appear the same; they are actually both different because the in the first subsequence comes from array element , and the in the second subsequence comes from array element . Because , we print the one () as a single line of space-separated integers.
Sample Case 1:
The longest possible increasing subsequences in lexicographical order are:
Because , we print the one () as a single line of space-separated integers.