Keyword Transposition Cipher

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    PHP Solution

    $_fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
    $num_tests = intval(trim(fgets(STDIN)));
    for ($t = 0; $t < $num_tests; $t++) {
        $keyword = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        $ciphertext = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        echo decode($keyword, $ciphertext) . "\n";
    function decode($keyword, $ciphertext) {
        #Step 1: Generate the substitution cipher based on the keyword
        //Remove duplicate letter from key and sort it.
        $keyword = array_values(array_unique(str_split($keyword)));
        // Get aplhabet without letter in key
        $alphabet = array_diff(range('A', 'Z'), $keyword);
        // Chunk alphabet
        $chunk = array_chunk($alphabet, count($keyword));
        foreach($keyword as $k=>$v) {
            $substitution[] = $v;
            foreach ($chunk as $arr) {
                if (isset($arr[$k])) {
                    $substitution[] = $arr[$k];
        // Create dictionary
        $dictionary = array_combine($substitution, range('A', 'Z'));
        # Step 2: Decode (Apply the substitution cipher to the ciphertext)
        $decoded = '';
        $ciphertext = str_split($ciphertext);
        foreach ($ciphertext as $char) {
            if (array_key_exists($char, $dictionary)) {
                $decoded .= $dictionary[$char];
            } else {
                $decoded .= " ";
        return $decoded;

    python 3: from string import ascii_uppercase as aaa

    def decode(k, m): # Removes duplicates from key key = ''.join([x for i, x in enumerate(k) if k.index(x) == i])

    # Get aplhabet without chars in key
    alph = ''.join([x for x in aaa if x not in key])
    # Get base ordered char
    dec = key + alph
    # Creates columns by indexing: range() with steps of len(key) and
    # Increases the start-value from 0 to len(key) + sorts them
    columns = sorted([''.join([dec[x] for x in
                               range(n, len(dec), len(key))])
                      for n in range(len(key))])
    # Creates a decoding dict
    d = {a: b for b, a in zip(aaa, ''.join(columns))}
    # Decode
    return ''.join(d[x] if x in d else ' ' for x in m)

    for _ in range(int(input())): key = input() mes = input()

    print(decode(key, mes))

    Just another solution: Python3, given description implemented staightforward ...

    from itertools import cycle
    def make_cipher(key):
        'Build monoalphabetic substitution list.'
        seed = list(dict.fromkeys(key)) # remove duplicate letters
        # build columns
        cols = [[c] for c in seed]
        col_it = cycle(cols)
        for c in map(chr, range(ord('A'), ord('Z') +1)):
            if c not in seed:
        # sort columns
        # join all
        return ''.join(''.join(col) for col in cols)
    def encrypt(key, plain):
        cipher = make_cipher(key)
        encrypt1 = (lambda c:   ' ' if c == ' ' 
                                else cipher[ord(c)-ord('A')] )
        return ''.join(map(encrypt1, plain))
    def decrypt(key, crypt):
        cipher = make_cipher(key)
        decrypt1 = (lambda c:   ' ' if c == ' ' 
                                else chr(ord('A')+cipher.index(c)) )
        return ''.join(map(decrypt1, crypt))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        n = int(input())
        for _ in range(n):
            print(decrypt(input(), input()))

    Is this algorithm help me to detect keyword stuffing in my blog? Or anyhow help me in me website's SEO?

  • [deleted]

    Python 3

    from string import ascii_uppercase as aaa
    def decode(k, m):
        # Removes duplicates from key
        key = ''.join([x for i, x in enumerate(k) if k.index(x) == i])
        # Get aplhabet without chars in key
        alph = ''.join([x for x in aaa if x not in key])
        # Get base ordered char
        dec = key + alph
        # Creates columns by indexing: range() with steps of len(key) and
        # Increases the start-value from 0 to len(key) + sorts them
        columns = sorted([''.join([dec[x] for x in
                                   range(n, len(dec), len(key))])
                          for n in range(len(key))])
        # Creates a decoding dict
        d = {a: b for b, a in zip(aaa, ''.join(columns))}
        # Decode
        return ''.join(d[x] if x in d else ' ' for x in m)
    for _ in range(int(input())):
        key = input()
        mes = input()
        print(decode(key, mes))