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python 3:
from string import ascii_uppercase as aaa
def decode(k, m):
# Removes duplicates from key
key = ''.join([x for i, x in enumerate(k) if k.index(x) == i])
# Get aplhabet without chars in key
alph = ''.join([x for x in aaa if x not in key])
# Get base ordered char
dec = key + alph
# Creates columns by indexing: range() with steps of len(key) and
# Increases the start-value from 0 to len(key) + sorts them
columns = sorted([''.join([dec[x] for x in
range(n, len(dec), len(key))])
for n in range(len(key))])
# Creates a decoding dict
d = {a: b for b, a in zip(aaa, ''.join(columns))}
# Decode
return ''.join(d[x] if x in d else ' ' for x in m)
for _ in range(int(input())):
key = input()
mes = input()
print(decode(key, mes))
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Keyword Transposition Cipher
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python 3: from string import ascii_uppercase as aaa
def decode(k, m): # Removes duplicates from key key = ''.join([x for i, x in enumerate(k) if k.index(x) == i])
for _ in range(int(input())): key = input() mes = input()