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Just another solution: Python3, given description implemented staightforward ...
from itertools import cycle def make_cipher(key): 'Build monoalphabetic substitution list.' seed = list(dict.fromkeys(key)) # remove duplicate letters # build columns cols = [[c] for c in seed] col_it = cycle(cols) for c in map(chr, range(ord('A'), ord('Z') +1)): if c not in seed: next(col_it).append(c) # sort columns cols.sort() # join all return ''.join(''.join(col) for col in cols) def encrypt(key, plain): cipher = make_cipher(key) encrypt1 = (lambda c: ' ' if c == ' ' else cipher[ord(c)-ord('A')] ) return ''.join(map(encrypt1, plain)) def decrypt(key, crypt): cipher = make_cipher(key) decrypt1 = (lambda c: ' ' if c == ' ' else chr(ord('A')+cipher.index(c)) ) return ''.join(map(decrypt1, crypt)) if __name__ == '__main__': n = int(input()) for _ in range(n): print(decrypt(input(), input()))
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Keyword Transposition Cipher
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Just another solution: Python3, given description implemented staightforward ...