Sort by



20 Discussions


    import Data.Array
    import Data.List (sort)
    getWord :: String -> (Int, String)
    getWord ('-':cs) = (l+1, remainingCS)
     where (l, remainingCS) = getWord cs
    getWord (_:cs) = (1, cs)
    getWord "" = (1, "")
    wordsInLine :: Int -> String -> [(Int, Int)]
    wordsInLine _ "" = []
    wordsInLine pos ('+':cs) = wordsInLine (pos+1) cs
    wordsInLine pos ('-':cs) = if firstWordLength > 1 then (pos, firstWordLength):otherWords else otherWords
     where (firstWordLength, remainingCS) = getWord cs
           otherWords = wordsInLine (pos+firstWordLength+1) remainingCS
    addY :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
    addY y (x, l) = (x, y, l)
    wordsInLineWithY :: Int -> String -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
    wordsInLineWithY y line = map (addY y) (wordsInLine 0 line)
    addX :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
    addX x (y, l) = (x, y, l)
    wordsInLineWithX :: Int -> String -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
    wordsInLineWithX x line = map (addX x) (wordsInLine 0 line)
    horizontalWords :: Int -> [String] -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
    horizontalWords _ [] = []
    horizontalWords y (line:lines) = (wordsInLineWithY y line) ++ (horizontalWords (y+1) lines)
    verticalWords :: Int -> [String] -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
    verticalWords _ ([]:_) = []
    verticalWords x linesIn = (wordsInLineWithX x line) ++ (verticalWords (x+1) lines)
     where line = map head linesIn
           lines = map tail linesIn
    letterLocations :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
    letterLocations dir x y 0 = []
    letterLocations dir@(dirX,dirY) x y l = (y*10+x):(letterLocations dir (x+dirX) (y+dirY) (l-1))
    allLetterLocations :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [(Int, (Int, Int))]
    allLetterLocations _ _ [] = []
    allLetterLocations dir i ((x,y,l):ws) = wordLocsWithWordIndex ++ (allLetterLocations dir (i+1) ws)
     where wordLocs = zip (letterLocations dir x y l) [0..]
           f (arrayI, pos) = (arrayI, (i, pos))
           wordLocsWithWordIndex = map f wordLocs
    mixInEmpty :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, (Int, Int))] -> [(Int, (Int, Int))]
    mixInEmpty i endI _ | i == endI = []
    mixInEmpty i endI [] = (i,((-1),0)):(mixInEmpty (i+1) endI [])
    mixInEmpty i endI allE@((k,v):es) | k == i = (k,v):(mixInEmpty (i+1) endI es)
                                 | otherwise = (i,((-1),0)):(mixInEmpty (i+1) endI allE)
    intersectLookup :: [(Int, Int, Int)] -> Array Int (Int, Int)
    intersectLookup words = array (0,99) (mixInEmpty 0 100 (allLetterLocations (1,0) 0 words))
    addToFront :: [a] -> Int -> a -> [a]
    addToFront l 0 _ = l
    addToFront l n e = e:(addToFront l (n-1) e)
    refsForWord :: Array Int (Int, Int) -> Int -> [Int] -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
    refsForWord _ _ [] = []
    refsForWord lookup i (arrayI:vs) = if w == (-1) then rest else (i,w,c):rest
     where (w, c) = lookup!arrayI
           rest = refsForWord lookup (i+1) vs
    refs :: Array Int (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]]
    refs _ [] = []
    refs lookup ((x,y,l):vs) = lookupForThis:lookupForRest
     where locs = letterLocations (0,1) x y l
           lookupForThis = refsForWord lookup 0 locs
           lookupForRest = refs lookup vs
    getIntersects :: [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]]
    getIntersects hs vs = addToFront vrefs (length hs) []
     where lookup = intersectLookup hs
           vrefs = refs lookup vs
    intersectsOK :: [(Int, Int, Int)] -> String -> [String] -> Bool
    intersectsOK [] _ _ = True
    intersectsOK ((charInThis,wordRef,charInWord):intersects) word resultSoFar =
        if resultSoFar!!wordRef!!charInWord  == word!!charInThis
        then intersectsOK intersects word resultSoFar
        else False
    wordPossibilities :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [String] -> [String] -> [String] -> [([String], String)]
    wordPossibilities _ _ [] _ _ = []
    wordPossibilities l intersects (word:wordsLeft) otherWordsLeft resultSoFar =
            if length(word) == l && intersectsOK intersects word resultSoFar
            then (otherWordsLeft++wordsLeft,word):otherPossibilities
            else otherPossibilities
     where otherPossibilities = wordPossibilities l intersects wordsLeft (word:otherWordsLeft) resultSoFar
    firstSolution :: [Int] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]] -> [String] -> [([String], String)] -> [String]
    firstSolution _ _ _ [] = []
    firstSolution ls intersects resultSoFar ((wordsLeft,word):ps) =
      if solution == [] then firstSolution ls intersects resultSoFar ps else solution
     where solution = solve' ls intersects wordsLeft (resultSoFar++[word])
    solve' :: [Int] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]] -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
    solve' [] _ _ resultSoFar = resultSoFar
    solve' (l:ls) (intersect:intersects) words resultSoFar =
      firstSolution ls intersects resultSoFar ps
     where ps = wordPossibilities l intersect words [] resultSoFar
    solve :: [Int] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]] -> [String] -> [String]
    solve wordLengths intersects words = solve' wordLengths intersects words []
    renderChars :: [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [String] -> [(Int, Char)]
    renderChars _ [] _ = []
    renderChars (dir:dirs) ((x,y,l):spaces) (word:words) = forWord ++ rest
     where locs = letterLocations dir x y l
           forWord = zip locs word
           rest = renderChars dirs spaces words
    renderLine :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, Char)] -> String
    renderLine i endI cs | i == endI = ""
    renderLine i endI [] = '+':(renderLine (i+1) endI [])
    renderLine i endI allCS@((ci,c):cs) | ci < i = renderLine i endI cs
                                        | ci == i = c:(renderLine (i+1) endI cs)
                                        | otherwise = '+':(renderLine (i+1) endI allCS)
    renderLines :: Int -> [(Int, Char)] -> [String]
    renderLines 100 _ = []
    renderLines startI cs = (renderLine startI endI cs):(renderLines endI cs)
     where endI = startI + 10
    render :: [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [String] -> [String]
    render dirs spaces words = renderLines 0 cs
     where cs = sort $ renderChars dirs spaces words
    wordsWhen :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
    wordsWhen p s =  case dropWhile p s of
                          "" -> []
                          s' -> w : wordsWhen p s''
                                where (w, s'') = break p s'
    doit strIn = unlines resultLines
     where ls = lines strIn
           templateLines = take 10 ls
           [wordsToFitLine] = drop 10 ls
           wordsToFit = wordsWhen (==';') wordsToFitLine
           hs = horizontalWords 0 templateLines
           vs = verticalWords 0 templateLines
           intersects = getIntersects hs vs
           extractL (_,_,l) = l
           lengths = (map extractL hs) ++ (map extractL vs)
           solution = solve lengths intersects wordsToFit
           takeN n a = take n $ repeat a
           dirs = (takeN (length hs) (1,0)) ++ (takeN (length vs) (0,1))
           resultLines = render dirs (hs++vs) solution
    main = interact doit

    pls follow me and use this code with haskell


    Such a brilliant puzzle! I like that kind. My solution with F# is not concise at all. Full text is about 100 lines. Here is the heart without I/O:

    Parsing placeholders:

    let (|=>|) x (a, len) = x >= a && x <= a + len - 1
    type Dir = H | V
    let dirShift dir = if dir = H then (1, 0) else (0, 1)
    let (|->) (x, y) (dx, dy) = (x + dx, y + dy)
    let (*) (dx, dy) n = (dx * n, dy * n)
    let len (s : string) = s.Length
    let makeTuple a b = (a, b)
    type Placeholder = { P : int * int; Dir : Dir; Len : int } with
        member p.IndexOf (x, y) =
            let (px, py) = p.P
            if p.Dir = H && y = py && x |=>| (px, p.Len) then Some (x - px)
            elif p.Dir = V && x = px && y |=>| (py, p.Len) then Some (y - py)
            else None
        member p.Cells =
            let shift = dirShift p.Dir
            [ for i in [0 .. p.Len - 1] -> p.P |-> (shift * i)]
    let parsePlaceholders lines =
        let parseCells =
            Seq.mapi (fun y s ->
                s |> Seq.indexed |> Seq.filter (snd >> (=) '-')
                |> (fun (x, _) -> (x, y)) 
            ) >> Seq.concat >> Set.ofSeq
        let cells = parseCells lines
        let rec extend p shift cells =
            let next = p |-> shift
            if Set.contains next <| cells then p :: extend next shift cells
            else [p]
        let dirPlaceholders dir cells =
            let shift = dirShift dir
            |> Set.fold
                (fun (chains, rest) cell ->
                    match extend cell shift rest with
                    | [_] -> (chains, rest)
                    | chain -> (chain :: chains, Set.difference rest (Set.ofList chain)))
                ([], cells)
            |> fst |> (fun chain ->
                { P = List.min chain; Dir = dir; Len = List.length chain })
        (dirPlaceholders H cells) @ (dirPlaceholders V cells)

    Finding a solution (just a consequent recoursive "trying" of each word for each next placeholder with checking letters in "joint" points):

    type Joint = { H : Placeholder; V : Placeholder; Cell : int * int }
    let solveCrossword placeholders words =
        let findJoints placeholders =
            List.allPairs placeholders placeholders
            |> List.filter (fun (a, b) -> a.P < b.P && a.Dir <> b.Dir)
            |> List.fold
                (fun joints (a, b) ->
                    let (h, v) = if a.Dir = H then (a, b) else (b, a)
                    let ((hX, hY), hLen) = (h.P, h.Len)
                    let ((vX, vY), vLen) = (v.P, v.Len)
                    if hY |=>| (vY, vLen) && vX |=>| (hX, hLen) 
                        then { H = h; V = v; Cell = (vX, hY)} :: joints
                        else joints)
        let joints = findJoints placeholders
        let rec findDecision alreadyPlaced placeholders words =
            match placeholders with
            | [] -> Some alreadyPlaced
            | ph :: restPlaceholders -> 
                let fitJoints ph (w : string) =
                    |> List.filter (fun j -> j.H = ph || j.V = ph)
                    |> List.forall (fun j ->
                        let c = w.[(ph.IndexOf j.Cell).Value]
                        not (List.exists (fun (oPh : Placeholder, oW : string) -> 
                                match oPh.IndexOf j.Cell with
                                | None -> false
                                | Some i -> oW.[i] <> c)
                let validWords = words |> List.filter (fun w -> len w = ph.Len && fitJoints ph w)
                match validWords with
                    | [] -> None
                    | _ -> validWords
                        |> List.choose (fun w ->
                            let restWords = List.except [w] words
                            findDecision ((ph, w) :: alreadyPlaced) restPlaceholders restWords)
                        |> List.tryHead
        findDecision [] placeholders words

    Such a brilliant puzzle! I like that kind. My solution with F# is not concise at all. Full text is about 108 lines. Here is the heart without I/O:

    Parsing placeholders:

    let (|=>|) x (a, len) = x >= a && x <= a + len - 1
    type Dir = H | V
    let dirShift dir = if dir = H then (1, 0) else (0, 1)
    let (|->) (x, y) (dx, dy) = (x + dx, y + dy)
    let (*) (dx, dy) n = (dx * n, dy * n)
    let len (s : string) = s.Length
    let makeTuple a b = (a, b)
    type Placeholder = { P : int * int; Dir : Dir; Len : int } with
        member p.IndexOf (x, y) =
            let (px, py) = p.P
            if p.Dir = H && y = py && x |=>| (px, p.Len) then Some (x - px)
            elif p.Dir = V && x = px && y |=>| (py, p.Len) then Some (y - py)
            else None
        member p.Cells =
            let shift = dirShift p.Dir
            [ for i in [0 .. p.Len - 1] -> p.P |-> (shift * i)]
    let parsePlaceholders lines =
        let parseCells =
            Seq.mapi (fun y s ->
                s |> Seq.indexed |> Seq.filter (snd >> (=) '-')
                |> (fun (x, _) -> (x, y)) 
            ) >> Seq.concat >> Set.ofSeq
        let cells = parseCells lines
        let rec extend p shift cells =
            let next = p |-> shift
            if Set.contains next <| cells then p :: extend next shift cells
            else [p]
        let dirPlaceholders dir cells =
            let shift = dirShift dir
            |> Set.fold
                (fun (chains, rest) cell ->
                    match extend cell shift rest with
                    | [_] -> (chains, rest)
                    | chain -> (chain :: chains, Set.difference rest (Set.ofList chain)))
                ([], cells)
            |> fst |> (fun chain ->
                { P = List.min chain; Dir = dir; Len = List.length chain })
        (dirPlaceholders H cells) @ (dirPlaceholders V cells)

    Finding a solution (just a consequent recoursive "trying" of each word for each next placeholder with checking letters in "joint" points):

    type Joint = { H : Placeholder; V : Placeholder; Cell : int * int }
    let solveCrossword placeholders words =
        let findJoints placeholders =
            List.allPairs placeholders placeholders
            |> List.filter (fun (a, b) -> a.P < b.P && a.Dir <> b.Dir)
            |> List.fold
                (fun joints (a, b) ->
                    let (h, v) = if a.Dir = H then (a, b) else (b, a)
                    let ((hX, hY), hLen) = (h.P, h.Len)
                    let ((vX, vY), vLen) = (v.P, v.Len)
                    if hY |=>| (vY, vLen) && vX |=>| (hX, hLen) 
                        then { H = h; V = v; Cell = (vX, hY)} :: joints
                        else joints)
        let joints = findJoints placeholders
        let rec findDecision alreadyPlaced placeholders words =
            match placeholders with
            | [] -> Some alreadyPlaced
            | ph :: restPlaceholders -> 
                let fitJoints ph (w : string) =
                    |> List.filter (fun j -> j.H = ph || j.V = ph)
                    |> List.forall (fun j ->
                        let c = w.[(ph.IndexOf j.Cell).Value]
                        not (List.exists (fun (oPh : Placeholder, oW : string) -> 
                                match oPh.IndexOf j.Cell with
                                | None -> false
                                | Some i -> oW.[i] <> c)
                let validWords = words |> List.filter (fun w -> len w = ph.Len && fitJoints ph w)
                match validWords with
                    | [] -> None
                    | _ -> validWords
                        |> List.choose (fun w ->
                            let restWords = List.except [w] words
                            findDecision ((ph, w) :: alreadyPlaced) restPlaceholders restWords)
                        |> List.tryHead
        findDecision [] placeholders words

    Nice problem for list-monad in Haskell


    Wow I actually did it!

    How my algorithm works: Try putting the word at the front of your list in the board at all possible positions. (No, actually. i <- [0..9]; j <- [0..9]) For each successful placement, continue with the rest of the list of words. I ended up using do notation on lists and maybeToListing some information.

    I'm super proud of it! On the other hand, I'm really glad we don't have hacking on ... uh, on HackerRank ... unlike some other platforms, like CodeForces ... hm.

    Here it is! Sorry for the hiding, I'm lazier than Haskell.