import Data.Array
    import Data.List (sort)
    getWord :: String -> (Int, String)
    getWord ('-':cs) = (l+1, remainingCS)
     where (l, remainingCS) = getWord cs
    getWord (_:cs) = (1, cs)
    getWord "" = (1, "")
    wordsInLine :: Int -> String -> [(Int, Int)]
    wordsInLine _ "" = []
    wordsInLine pos ('+':cs) = wordsInLine (pos+1) cs
    wordsInLine pos ('-':cs) = if firstWordLength > 1 then (pos, firstWordLength):otherWords else otherWords
     where (firstWordLength, remainingCS) = getWord cs
           otherWords = wordsInLine (pos+firstWordLength+1) remainingCS
    addY :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
    addY y (x, l) = (x, y, l)
    wordsInLineWithY :: Int -> String -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
    wordsInLineWithY y line = map (addY y) (wordsInLine 0 line)
    addX :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
    addX x (y, l) = (x, y, l)
    wordsInLineWithX :: Int -> String -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
    wordsInLineWithX x line = map (addX x) (wordsInLine 0 line)
    horizontalWords :: Int -> [String] -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
    horizontalWords _ [] = []
    horizontalWords y (line:lines) = (wordsInLineWithY y line) ++ (horizontalWords (y+1) lines)
    verticalWords :: Int -> [String] -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
    verticalWords _ ([]:_) = []
    verticalWords x linesIn = (wordsInLineWithX x line) ++ (verticalWords (x+1) lines)
     where line = map head linesIn
           lines = map tail linesIn
    letterLocations :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
    letterLocations dir x y 0 = []
    letterLocations dir@(dirX,dirY) x y l = (y*10+x):(letterLocations dir (x+dirX) (y+dirY) (l-1))
    allLetterLocations :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [(Int, (Int, Int))]
    allLetterLocations _ _ [] = []
    allLetterLocations dir i ((x,y,l):ws) = wordLocsWithWordIndex ++ (allLetterLocations dir (i+1) ws)
     where wordLocs = zip (letterLocations dir x y l) [0..]
           f (arrayI, pos) = (arrayI, (i, pos))
           wordLocsWithWordIndex = map f wordLocs
    mixInEmpty :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, (Int, Int))] -> [(Int, (Int, Int))]
    mixInEmpty i endI _ | i == endI = []
    mixInEmpty i endI [] = (i,((-1),0)):(mixInEmpty (i+1) endI [])
    mixInEmpty i endI allE@((k,v):es) | k == i = (k,v):(mixInEmpty (i+1) endI es)
                                 | otherwise = (i,((-1),0)):(mixInEmpty (i+1) endI allE)
    intersectLookup :: [(Int, Int, Int)] -> Array Int (Int, Int)
    intersectLookup words = array (0,99) (mixInEmpty 0 100 (allLetterLocations (1,0) 0 words))
    addToFront :: [a] -> Int -> a -> [a]
    addToFront l 0 _ = l
    addToFront l n e = e:(addToFront l (n-1) e)
    refsForWord :: Array Int (Int, Int) -> Int -> [Int] -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
    refsForWord _ _ [] = []
    refsForWord lookup i (arrayI:vs) = if w == (-1) then rest else (i,w,c):rest
     where (w, c) = lookup!arrayI
           rest = refsForWord lookup (i+1) vs
    refs :: Array Int (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]]
    refs _ [] = []
    refs lookup ((x,y,l):vs) = lookupForThis:lookupForRest
     where locs = letterLocations (0,1) x y l
           lookupForThis = refsForWord lookup 0 locs
           lookupForRest = refs lookup vs
    getIntersects :: [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]]
    getIntersects hs vs = addToFront vrefs (length hs) []
     where lookup = intersectLookup hs
           vrefs = refs lookup vs
    intersectsOK :: [(Int, Int, Int)] -> String -> [String] -> Bool
    intersectsOK [] _ _ = True
    intersectsOK ((charInThis,wordRef,charInWord):intersects) word resultSoFar =
        if resultSoFar!!wordRef!!charInWord  == word!!charInThis
        then intersectsOK intersects word resultSoFar
        else False
    wordPossibilities :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [String] -> [String] -> [String] -> [([String], String)]
    wordPossibilities _ _ [] _ _ = []
    wordPossibilities l intersects (word:wordsLeft) otherWordsLeft resultSoFar =
            if length(word) == l && intersectsOK intersects word resultSoFar
            then (otherWordsLeft++wordsLeft,word):otherPossibilities
            else otherPossibilities
     where otherPossibilities = wordPossibilities l intersects wordsLeft (word:otherWordsLeft) resultSoFar
    firstSolution :: [Int] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]] -> [String] -> [([String], String)] -> [String]
    firstSolution _ _ _ [] = []
    firstSolution ls intersects resultSoFar ((wordsLeft,word):ps) =
      if solution == [] then firstSolution ls intersects resultSoFar ps else solution
     where solution = solve' ls intersects wordsLeft (resultSoFar++[word])
    solve' :: [Int] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]] -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
    solve' [] _ _ resultSoFar = resultSoFar
    solve' (l:ls) (intersect:intersects) words resultSoFar =
      firstSolution ls intersects resultSoFar ps
     where ps = wordPossibilities l intersect words [] resultSoFar
    solve :: [Int] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]] -> [String] -> [String]
    solve wordLengths intersects words = solve' wordLengths intersects words []
    renderChars :: [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [String] -> [(Int, Char)]
    renderChars _ [] _ = []
    renderChars (dir:dirs) ((x,y,l):spaces) (word:words) = forWord ++ rest
     where locs = letterLocations dir x y l
           forWord = zip locs word
           rest = renderChars dirs spaces words
    renderLine :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, Char)] -> String
    renderLine i endI cs | i == endI = ""
    renderLine i endI [] = '+':(renderLine (i+1) endI [])
    renderLine i endI allCS@((ci,c):cs) | ci < i = renderLine i endI cs
                                        | ci == i = c:(renderLine (i+1) endI cs)
                                        | otherwise = '+':(renderLine (i+1) endI allCS)
    renderLines :: Int -> [(Int, Char)] -> [String]
    renderLines 100 _ = []
    renderLines startI cs = (renderLine startI endI cs):(renderLines endI cs)
     where endI = startI + 10
    render :: [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [String] -> [String]
    render dirs spaces words = renderLines 0 cs
     where cs = sort $ renderChars dirs spaces words
    wordsWhen :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
    wordsWhen p s =  case dropWhile p s of
                          "" -> []
                          s' -> w : wordsWhen p s''
                                where (w, s'') = break p s'
    doit strIn = unlines resultLines
     where ls = lines strIn
           templateLines = take 10 ls
           [wordsToFitLine] = drop 10 ls
           wordsToFit = wordsWhen (==';') wordsToFitLine
           hs = horizontalWords 0 templateLines
           vs = verticalWords 0 templateLines
           intersects = getIntersects hs vs
           extractL (_,_,l) = l
           lengths = (map extractL hs) ++ (map extractL vs)
           solution = solve lengths intersects wordsToFit
           takeN n a = take n $ repeat a
           dirs = (takeN (length hs) (1,0)) ++ (takeN (length vs) (0,1))
           resultLines = render dirs (hs++vs) solution
    main = interact doit

    pls follow me and use this code with haskell