Such a brilliant puzzle! I like that kind. My solution with F# is not concise at all. Full text is about 108 lines. Here is the heart without I/O:

    Parsing placeholders:

    let (|=>|) x (a, len) = x >= a && x <= a + len - 1
    type Dir = H | V
    let dirShift dir = if dir = H then (1, 0) else (0, 1)
    let (|->) (x, y) (dx, dy) = (x + dx, y + dy)
    let (*) (dx, dy) n = (dx * n, dy * n)
    let len (s : string) = s.Length
    let makeTuple a b = (a, b)
    type Placeholder = { P : int * int; Dir : Dir; Len : int } with
        member p.IndexOf (x, y) =
            let (px, py) = p.P
            if p.Dir = H && y = py && x |=>| (px, p.Len) then Some (x - px)
            elif p.Dir = V && x = px && y |=>| (py, p.Len) then Some (y - py)
            else None
        member p.Cells =
            let shift = dirShift p.Dir
            [ for i in [0 .. p.Len - 1] -> p.P |-> (shift * i)]
    let parsePlaceholders lines =
        let parseCells =
            Seq.mapi (fun y s ->
                s |> Seq.indexed |> Seq.filter (snd >> (=) '-')
                |> Seq.map (fun (x, _) -> (x, y)) 
            ) >> Seq.concat >> Set.ofSeq
        let cells = parseCells lines
        let rec extend p shift cells =
            let next = p |-> shift
            if Set.contains next <| cells then p :: extend next shift cells
            else [p]
        let dirPlaceholders dir cells =
            let shift = dirShift dir
            |> Set.fold
                (fun (chains, rest) cell ->
                    match extend cell shift rest with
                    | [_] -> (chains, rest)
                    | chain -> (chain :: chains, Set.difference rest (Set.ofList chain)))
                ([], cells)
            |> fst |> List.map (fun chain ->
                { P = List.min chain; Dir = dir; Len = List.length chain })
        (dirPlaceholders H cells) @ (dirPlaceholders V cells)

    Finding a solution (just a consequent recoursive "trying" of each word for each next placeholder with checking letters in "joint" points):

    type Joint = { H : Placeholder; V : Placeholder; Cell : int * int }
    let solveCrossword placeholders words =
        let findJoints placeholders =
            List.allPairs placeholders placeholders
            |> List.filter (fun (a, b) -> a.P < b.P && a.Dir <> b.Dir)
            |> List.fold
                (fun joints (a, b) ->
                    let (h, v) = if a.Dir = H then (a, b) else (b, a)
                    let ((hX, hY), hLen) = (h.P, h.Len)
                    let ((vX, vY), vLen) = (v.P, v.Len)
                    if hY |=>| (vY, vLen) && vX |=>| (hX, hLen) 
                        then { H = h; V = v; Cell = (vX, hY)} :: joints
                        else joints)
        let joints = findJoints placeholders
        let rec findDecision alreadyPlaced placeholders words =
            match placeholders with
            | [] -> Some alreadyPlaced
            | ph :: restPlaceholders -> 
                let fitJoints ph (w : string) =
                    |> List.filter (fun j -> j.H = ph || j.V = ph)
                    |> List.forall (fun j ->
                        let c = w.[(ph.IndexOf j.Cell).Value]
                        not (List.exists (fun (oPh : Placeholder, oW : string) -> 
                                match oPh.IndexOf j.Cell with
                                | None -> false
                                | Some i -> oW.[i] <> c)
                let validWords = words |> List.filter (fun w -> len w = ph.Len && fitJoints ph w)
                match validWords with
                    | [] -> None
                    | _ -> validWords
                        |> List.choose (fun w ->
                            let restWords = List.except [w] words
                            findDecision ((ph, w) :: alreadyPlaced) restPlaceholders restWords)
                        |> List.tryHead
        findDecision [] placeholders words