It took me over a day figuring this out. I finally devised a working algorithm while I was thinking about it at work. These problems are all about solving the math (getting exactly how the algorithm works). Once I have the algorithm down, it took me just 1-2 hours for actual implementation. Trying to just code a solution to these problems without a working plan (which I tried initially) will be a disaster.

    My solution uses brute force. It essentially tries all possible permutations and pick the best one. My approach is to use the center to slowly expand out and check for 'G'. It'll be too much to explain everything but if you're interested, you can take a look at the code. Coded in python:

    import math
    import os
    import random
    import re
    import sys
    def codify(n):
        my_str = str(n)
        if n<10:
            my_str = "0" + str(n)
        return my_str
    def get_max_val(my_dict):
        k = ""
        v = -1
        my_max = -1
        for center, size in my_dict.items():
            if size>my_max:
                k = center
                v = size
        return k, v
    def get_list(center, size):
        my_list = [center]
        i = int(center[0: 2])
        j = int(center[2:])  
        length = int((size-1)/4)
        for n in range(1, length+1):
        for n in range(1, length+1):
        for n in range(1, length+1):
        for n in range(1, length+1):
        return my_list
    def twoPluses(grid):
        limit = 1
        area_list = []
        while limit<16:
            row_len = len(grid)
            visited = dict()
            for i in range(row_len):
                col_len = len(grid[0])
                for j in range(col_len):
                    while n<limit:
                        if i+n<row_len and i-n>=0 and j+n<col_len and j-n>=0 and grid[i+n][j]=='G' and grid[i-n][j]=='G' and grid[i][j+n]=='G' and grid[i][j-n]=='G':
                            visited[codify(i)+codify(j)] = n*4 + 1
                            n += 1
            perm = []
            for center, size in visited.items():
                visited_copy = visited.copy()
                list1 = get_list(center, size)
                stop = False
                while not stop:
                    k, v = get_max_val(visited_copy)
                    list2 = get_list(k, v)
                    overlap = False                  
                    for cell in list1:
                        if cell in list2:
                            overlap = True
                    if not overlap:
                        stop = True                      
                    if len(visited_copy) == 0:
                        stop = True
            limit += 1
        return max(area_list)