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    def twoPluses(grid):

    pl = []
    result = 0
    for i,j in product(range(len(grid)), range(len(grid[0]))):
        if grid[i][j] == 'G':
            pl2 = set()
            for k in range(0, len(grid)//2+1):
                if j-k<0 or j+k>len(grid[0])-1 or i-k<0 or i+k>len(grid)-1:
                if grid[i][j-k] == grid[i][j+k] == grid[i-k][j] == grid[i+k][j] == 'G':
    for i in combinations(pl, 2):
        if not i[0] & i[1]:
            result = max(result, len(i[0])*len(i[1]))
    return result

    Python3 solution:

    def twoPluses(grid):
        m, n = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        sets = []
        good = {(i,j) for (i,j) in product(range(m), range(n)) if grid[i][j] == "G"}
        for (i, j) in good:
            cur_set = {(i,j)}
            left, right = (i, j - 1), (i, j + 1)
            up, down = (i + 1, j), (i - 1, j)
            while True:
                if left not in good or right not in good:
                if up not in good or down not in good:
                for d in [left, right, up, down]:
                left, right = (left[0], left[1] - 1), (right[0], right[1] + 1)
                up, down  = (up[0] + 1, up[1]), (down[0] - 1, down[1])
        mx = 0    
        for c1, c2 in product(sets, sets):
            if not c1.intersection(c2):
                sz = len(c1) * len(c2)
                if sz > mx:
                    mx = sz
        return mx

    swift its long but solve all the test cases

    func calculatePossibleIndex(maxIndex: Int, median: Int, index: Int) -> Int {
        let factor = (index + median) / median
        let res = abs((((factor * median - median) * 2) - index) - (maxIndex % 2) * index / median)
        return res
    func twoPluses(grid: [String]) -> Int {
        // Write your code here
        let grids: [[UInt8]] ={ [UInt8]($0.utf8) }
        let hIndexCount: Int = grids.first!.count - 1
        let vIndexCount: Int = grids.count - 1
        let hIndexMedian: Int = (hIndexCount / 2) + (hIndexCount % 2)
        let vIndexMedian: Int = (vIndexCount / 2) + (vIndexCount % 2)
        var isVerticalValid: Bool = false
        var isHorizontalValid: Bool = false
        var totalGridFound: [Int] = [Int]()
        var coordinates: [[Int]] = [[Int]]()
        var isNeedToCreateCoorBatch: Bool = true
        var possibleIndexes: [Int] = [Int]()
        var offset: Int = 0
        for vIndex in 1 ... vIndexCount - 1 {
            let vPossibleIndex: Int = calculatePossibleIndex(maxIndex: vIndexCount, median: vIndexMedian, index: vIndex)
            possibleIndexes.append(vPossibleIndex == 0 ? vIndex : vPossibleIndex)
            for hIndex in 1 ... hIndexCount - 1 {
                if grids[vIndex][hIndex] == 71 {
                    possibleIndexes.append(calculatePossibleIndex(maxIndex: hIndexCount, median: hIndexMedian, index: hIndex) )
                    offset = possibleIndexes.min()!
                    while(offset >= 1) {
                        let minVIndex: Int = vIndex - offset
                        let maxVIndex: Int = vIndex + offset
                        let minHIndex: Int = hIndex - offset
                        let maxHIndex: Int = hIndex + offset
                        // check vertical validity
                        for vIndexPossible in minVIndex ... maxVIndex { 
                            let multiplier: Int = hIndex > 9 ? 100 : 10                   
                            let coor: Int = vIndexPossible * multiplier + hIndex
                            if isNeedToCreateCoorBatch {
                                isNeedToCreateCoorBatch = false   
                            } else {
                                coordinates[coordinates.count - 1].append(coor)
                            if grids[vIndexPossible][hIndex] != 71 { break }
                            if vIndexPossible == maxVIndex {
                                isVerticalValid = true
                        if !isVerticalValid { 
                            isNeedToCreateCoorBatch = true
                            offset -= 1
                        // check horizontal validity
                        for hIndexPossible in minHIndex ... maxHIndex {
                            if hIndexPossible == hIndex { continue }
                            let multiplier: Int = hIndexPossible > 9 ? 100 : 10
                            let coor: Int = vIndex * multiplier + hIndexPossible
                            coordinates[coordinates.count - 1].append(coor)
                            if grids[vIndex][hIndexPossible] != 71 { break }
                            if hIndexPossible == maxHIndex {
                                isHorizontalValid = true
                        if isVerticalValid && isHorizontalValid {                        
                            totalGridFound.append(offset * 4 + 1)
                        } else {
                        isNeedToCreateCoorBatch = true
                        offset -= 1
                    isVerticalValid = false
                    isHorizontalValid = false    
        var highest: Int = 0
        var container: [Int] = [Int]()
        if totalGridFound.count == 0 {
            return 1
        for index1 in 0 ... totalGridFound.count - 1 {
            for index2 in index1 ... totalGridFound.count - 1 {
                let candidates: [Int] = [totalGridFound[index1], totalGridFound[index2]]
                let total: Int = candidates.reduce(1) { $0 * $1 }
                if total > highest {
                    container.append(contentsOf: coordinates[index1])
                    container.append(contentsOf: coordinates[index2])
                    let initialCount: Int = container.count
                    container = Array(Set(container))
                    if initialCount == container.count {
                        highest = total
                    if initialCount != container.count && candidates.max()! > highest {
                        highest = candidates.max()!
        return highest


    module Main where
    import Control.Monad (replicateM)
    import qualified Data.Map  as M
    import qualified Data.Set  as S
    type Center = (Int, Int)
    type Radius = Int
    type Plus = (Center, Radius)
    goodcoords :: [[Bool]] -> S.Set Center
    goodcoords = S.fromList . concat . zipWith (\i -> map (\(j, b) -> (i, j)) . filter snd . zip [0 ..]) [0 ..]
    allplusses :: S.Set Center -> [Plus]
    allplusses good = concatMap plusseshere goodList
        goodList = S.toList good
        plusseshere :: Center -> [Plus]
        plusseshere c = go 0
            go r =
              if all (\(dx, dy) -> S.member (fst c + dx, snd c + dy) good) [(0, r), (0, -r), (r, 0), (-r, 0)]
                then (c, r) : go (r + 1)
                else []
    plusintersect :: Plus -> Plus -> Bool
    plusintersect ((x1, y1), s1) ((x2, y2), s2) = do
      let set1 = S.fromList [(x1 + dx, y1 + dy) | (dx, dy) <- [(0, r) | r <- [-s1 .. s1]] ++ [(r, 0) | r <- [-s1 .. s1]]]
          set2 = S.fromList [(x2 + dx, y2 + dy) | (dx, dy) <- [(0, r) | r <- [-s2 .. s2]] ++ [(r, 0) | r <- [-s2 .. s2]]]
      not $ S.null $ S.intersection set1 set2
    runmax :: [Plus] -> Int
    runmax ps = go ps 0
        go :: [Plus] -> Int -> Int
        go [] m = m
        go (p@(_, pr) : ps) m = do
          let qrs = [qr | q@(_, qr) <- ps, not (plusintersect p q)]
          case qrs of
            [] -> go ps m
            _ -> go ps (max m ((4 * pr + 1) * (4 * maximum qrs + 1)))
    solve :: [[Bool]] -> Int
    solve = runmax . allplusses . goodcoords
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      [n, m] <- map read . words <$> getLine :: IO [Int]
      grid <- replicateM n $ do map (== 'G') <$> getLine
      print $ solve grid

    I started out thinking I could simply go through each good cell and compute the biggest plus I could make with that cell as its center. While doing this, I tracked the largest two areas seen, then finally returned the product of those two values.

    This doesn't work for two reasons:

    1. We cannot count two pluses if they have overlapping cells
    2. We have to consider not only the LARGEST plus you can make from a given center, but any possible smaller sized plus.

    The second case might happen if you have a 9-area plus and a 13-area plus that overlap. But inside the 13-area plus is a smaller 9-area plus that doesn't overlap with the other 9-area plus. Those two pluses might turn out to be the two largest ones in the grid.

    So the approach looks more like this:

    1. Create a pluses array to hold all of the pluses you find.
    2. For each good cell, try to make pluses of size 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, ... etc. using that cell as the center. Each time you find a plus, copy its cell coordinates into a set and save that set in pluses.
    3. You now have a large array of pluses, each one represented as a set of coordinates.
    4. Set a value for the maximum product found so far to zero.
    5. Iterate through every possible pair of pluses. If the product of their lengths is greater than the maximum found so far, check if the pluses are overlapping. (In Python, you can check if two sets overlap by finding their intersection; if they overlap, len(set1 & set2) > 0.) If they don't overlap, update the maximum product found so far.