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312 Discussions



    It took me over a day figuring this out. I finally devised a working algorithm while I was thinking about it at work. These problems are all about solving the math (getting exactly how the algorithm works). Once I have the algorithm down, it took me just 1-2 hours for actual implementation. Trying to just code a solution to these problems without a working plan (which I tried initially) will be a disaster.

    My solution uses brute force. It essentially tries all possible permutations and pick the best one. My approach is to use the center to slowly expand out and check for 'G'. It'll be too much to explain everything but if you're interested, you can take a look at the code. Coded in python:

    import math
    import os
    import random
    import re
    import sys
    def codify(n):
        my_str = str(n)
        if n<10:
            my_str = "0" + str(n)
        return my_str
    def get_max_val(my_dict):
        k = ""
        v = -1
        my_max = -1
        for center, size in my_dict.items():
            if size>my_max:
                k = center
                v = size
        return k, v
    def get_list(center, size):
        my_list = [center]
        i = int(center[0: 2])
        j = int(center[2:])  
        length = int((size-1)/4)
        for n in range(1, length+1):
        for n in range(1, length+1):
        for n in range(1, length+1):
        for n in range(1, length+1):
        return my_list
    def twoPluses(grid):
        limit = 1
        area_list = []
        while limit<16:
            row_len = len(grid)
            visited = dict()
            for i in range(row_len):
                col_len = len(grid[0])
                for j in range(col_len):
                    while n<limit:
                        if i+n<row_len and i-n>=0 and j+n<col_len and j-n>=0 and grid[i+n][j]=='G' and grid[i-n][j]=='G' and grid[i][j+n]=='G' and grid[i][j-n]=='G':
                            visited[codify(i)+codify(j)] = n*4 + 1
                            n += 1
            perm = []
            for center, size in visited.items():
                visited_copy = visited.copy()
                list1 = get_list(center, size)
                stop = False
                while not stop:
                    k, v = get_max_val(visited_copy)
                    list2 = get_list(k, v)
                    overlap = False                  
                    for cell in list1:
                        if cell in list2:
                            overlap = True
                    if not overlap:
                        stop = True                      
                    if len(visited_copy) == 0:
                        stop = True
            limit += 1
        return max(area_list) 

    Finally done in 3 submission. Like others, always struggling on finding a smarter way but brute force at the end.

    Here's something I would like to share that I think it's a smarter way to find max possible pluses on each block. This is NOT to find 2 pluses with max product. It's only an idea of how to determine the largest plus if current cell is the center.

    An easier way to find a plus is iterating on each cell and trying to count the connecting good cells on 4 directions. I saw many dissuasions were doing this. But form my understanding, this could lead to an O(n*m*(n+m)) runtime because each cell needs to look up the entire rows (n) and column (m), as well as there are n*m cells.

    My idea is counting the maximum length while iterating on each cell. During the iteration, it would marks a count number on each cell continuously. If it is good, count + 1. When a bad cell is hit or the row/column is end, count = 0 and update previous 1/2 count of good cells. For example, if we have 6 good cells in a row, it would be marked as 1 2 3 4 5 6 after the iteration. When the iteration hit the 7th cell (a bad cell), it would update this row to 1 2 3 3 2 1. In this case, each number on the cell represents the max number of good cells on the right and left (including the current cell) if current cell is a center. By doing same thing horizontally, we can have numbers that represents max number of good cells on the top and bottom if current cell is center. Combining these two table together, we can have the possible max size of plus on each cell. In this method, the worst case runtime should be O(n*m).


    def twoPluses(grid):
        # Write your code here
        n_rows = len(grid)
        n_columns = len(grid[0])
        lr_grid = [[0] * n_columns for i in range(n_rows)]
        max_jv = 0
        for i in range(n_rows):
            last_bad_j = -1
            for j in range(n_columns+1):
                if j == n_columns or grid[i][j] == "B":
                    for x in range(j-1, last_bad_j, -1):
                        new_v = j - x
                        if (new_v < lr_grid[i][x]):
                            lr_grid[i][x] = new_v
                            max_jv = max(max_jv, lr_grid[i][x])
                    last_bad_j = j
                    # if grid[i][j] == "G":
                    lr_grid[i][j] = j - last_bad_j
        ud_grid = [[0] * n_columns for i in range(n_rows)]
        max_iv = 0
        for j in range(n_columns):
            last_bad_i = -1
            for i in range(n_rows+1):
                if i == n_rows or grid[i][j] == "B":
                    for y in range(i-1, last_bad_i, -1):
                        new_v = i - y
                        if (new_v < ud_grid[y][j]):
                            ud_grid[y][j] = new_v
                            max_iv = max(max_iv, ud_grid[y][j])
                    last_bad_i = i
                    # if grid[i][j] == "G":
                    ud_grid[i][j] = i - last_bad_i
        max_grid = [[0] * n_columns for i in range(n_rows)]
        cross_list = [[] for i in range(min(max_jv, max_iv) + 1)]
        for i in range(n_rows):
            for j in range(n_columns):
                valid_cross = min(lr_grid[i][j], ud_grid[i][j])
                max_grid[i][j] = valid_cross
                if valid_cross > 0:
                    cross_list[valid_cross].append((i, j))
      ... rest of the code - brute forcing the solution

    If you fail only a few cases, consider smaller size pluses with the same center as they might not overlapse while the biggest one does.


    Solution in java:

    class Result {
       * Finds the maximum product of areas of two non-overlapping plus shapes.
      public static int twoPluses(List<String> grid) {
        int rows = grid.size();
        int cols = grid.get(0).length();
        List<Set<Integer>> pluses = new ArrayList<>();
        char[][] matrix = convertToMatrix(grid);
        int maxProduct = 0;
        // Identify all possible pluses
        for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
          for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
            if (matrix[r][c] == 'G') {
              int maxWingLength = findMaxWing(matrix, r, c);
              // Find and save all the pluses that shares the same center as smaller pluses might not overlap while bigger ones do
              for (int i = maxWingLength; i >= 0; i--) {
                pluses.add(getPlusCells(r, c, i, cols));
        // Check every pair of pluses. if they don't overlap, compare the product of them with the max product found up to that point.
        for (int i = 0; i < pluses.size(); i++) {
          for (int j = i + 1; j < pluses.size(); j++) {
            if (!hasOverlap(pluses.get(i), pluses.get(j))) {
              int product = pluses.get(i).size() * pluses.get(j).size();
              maxProduct = Math.max(maxProduct, product);
        return maxProduct;
       * Determines the maximum wing length of a plus centered at the given cell. Checks each direction.
      private static int findMaxWing(char[][] matrix, int row, int col) {
        int rows = matrix.length;
        int cols = matrix[0].length;
        int maxWing = 0;
        while (row - maxWing >= 0 && row + maxWing < rows && col - maxWing >= 0
            && col + maxWing < cols && matrix[row - maxWing][col] == 'G'
            && matrix[row + maxWing][col] == 'G'
            && matrix[row][col - maxWing] == 'G'
            && matrix[row][col + maxWing] == 'G') {
        return maxWing - 1;
       * Converts the grid of strings into a 2D character array.
      private static char[][] convertToMatrix(List<String> grid) {
        int rows = grid.size();
        int cols = grid.get(0).length();
        char[][] matrix = new char[rows][cols];
        for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
          matrix[r] = grid.get(r).toCharArray();
        return matrix;
       * Returns the set of cell indices covered by a plus with the given center and
       * wing length.
      private static Set<Integer> getPlusCells(
          int row, int col, int wingLength, int cols) {
        Set<Integer> cells = new HashSet<>();
        cells.add(row * cols + col); // Center cell
        for (int i = 1; i <= wingLength; i++) {
          cells.add((row - i) * cols + col); // Up
          cells.add((row + i) * cols + col); // Down
          cells.add(row * cols + (col - i)); // Left
          cells.add(row * cols + (col + i)); // Right
        return cells;
       * Checks if two pluses overlap.
      private static boolean hasOverlap(Set<Integer> plus1, Set<Integer> plus2) {
        for (int cell : plus1) {
          if (plus2.contains(cell)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    My answer in Typescript, explain in comment

    // grid char const
    const GOOD = 'G', BAD = 'B', PLUSED = 'P';
    // replace string char by index
    function replaceCharAt(str: string, index: number, char: string): string {
        if (index < 0 || index >= str.length) { throw new Error("Index out of range"); }
        return str.substr(0, index) + char + str.substr(index + 1);
    // select 1 coordinate, let pluses grow, return pluses size and new grid that pluses already growed
    function getPluses(grid: string[], startPosition: number[]): [number, string[]][] {
        const y = startPosition[0]
        const x = startPosition[1]
        let plused_grid = [...grid];
        let size = 0;
        plused_grid[y] = replaceCharAt(plused_grid[y], x, PLUSED)
        let result: [number, string[]][] = [[size, [...plused_grid]]]
        while (true) {
            try {
                if (plused_grid[y - (size + 1)][x] != GOOD) break;
                if (plused_grid[y + (size + 1)][x] != GOOD) break;
                if (plused_grid[y][x - (size + 1)] != GOOD) break;
                if (plused_grid[y][x + (size + 1)] != GOOD) break;
                plused_grid[y - (size + 1)] = replaceCharAt(plused_grid[y - (size + 1)], x, PLUSED)
                plused_grid[y] = replaceCharAt(plused_grid[y], x - (size + 1), PLUSED)
                plused_grid[y] = replaceCharAt(plused_grid[y], x + (size + 1), PLUSED)
                plused_grid[y + (size + 1)] = replaceCharAt(plused_grid[y + (size + 1)], x, PLUSED)
                result.push([size, [...plused_grid]])
            } catch (e) {
        return result;
    function twoPluses(grid: string[]): number {
        // Write your code here
        // store result of this problem
        let maxTotal = 0;
        // loop the grid, find GOOD coordinate, mean it is not in BAD or PLUSED
        for (let y1 = 0; y1 < grid.length; y1++) {
            for (let x1 = 0; x1 < grid[y1].length; x1++) {
                let cell = grid[y1][x1];
                if (cell != GOOD) continue;
                // got 1st pluses, try 2nd loop on a grid that placed 1st pluses
                getPluses(grid, [y1, x1]).forEach(([size_1, grid_1]) => {
                    for (let y2 = 0; y2 < grid_1.length; y2++) {
                        for (let x2 = 0; x2 < grid_1[y2].length; x2++) {
                            let cell = grid_1[y2][x2];
                            if (cell != GOOD) continue;
                            // got 2nd pluses, calculate size of 2 pluses, get the larger
                            getPluses(grid_1, [y2, x2]).forEach(([size_2, grid_2]) => {
                                // size is the wing length, so total is: 
                                //      size * 4 (wings) + 1 (intersection point)
                                maxTotal = Math.max((size_1 * 4 + 1) * (size_2 * 4 + 1), maxTotal);
        // done
        return maxTotal