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This can be solved in 2 lines with python, but why do it when we can implement a binary search tree in C++ ourselves :)
a,c,b = sorted(set(a)), sorted(set(c)),set(b) return sum([bisect(a,i)*bisect(c,i) for i in b])
struct node{ int v,p; uint64_t c; node* left, *right; node(int _v, int _p){c=1;v=_v;p=_p;left=right=nullptr;}; inline static uint64_t getCount(node* x) { if(!x) return 0; return 1+(x->left?x->left->c:0)+(x->right?x->right->c:0); } void update() {c=1+getCount(left)+getCount(right);} static void split(node* p, node*& l, node*& r, int val){ if(!p) l=r=p; else if(p->v < val) split(p->right, p->right,r,val), l=p; else split(p->left, l, p->left, val), r=p; if(p) p->update(); } static void insert(node*& p, node* x){ if(!p) p=x; else if(x->p > p->p) split(p, x->left, x->right, x->v), p=x; else (p->v > x->v ? insert(p->left,x) : insert(p->right,x) ); if(p) p->update(); } static uint64_t lessThan(node* p, int val){ if(!p) return 0; else if (p->v > val) return lessThan(p->left,val); else return 1+lessThan(p->right,val)+getCount(p->left); } }; uint64_t triplets(vector<int> a, vector<int> b, vector<int> c) { sort(a.begin(),a.end()); a.resize(distance(a.begin(),unique (a.begin(), a.end()))); unordered_set<int> sa, sb, sc; node *ax=nullptr, *cx=nullptr; uint64_t ans = 0; for(auto x: a) node::insert(ax,new node(x,rand())); for(auto x: c) if(sc.insert(x).second) node::insert(cx,new node(x,rand())); for(auto x: b) if(sb.insert(x).second) ans+=node::lessThan(ax,x)*node::lessThan(cx,x); return ans; }
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Triple sum
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Completely unnecessary Treap implementation in C++
This can be solved in 2 lines with python, but why do it when we can implement a binary search tree in C++ ourselves :)