Triple sum

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    Used set to remove duplicates and create order. Put data back into vectors to retrieve indices for upper bound checks.

    // Complete the triplets function below.
    long triplets(vector<int> a, vector<int> b, vector<int> c) {
        long result = 0;
        std::set<int> setA{a.begin(), a.end()};
        std::set<int> setB{b.begin(), b.end()};
        std::set<int> setC{c.begin(), c.end()};
        std::vector<int> orderedA {setA.begin(), setA.end()};
        std::vector<int> orderedC {setC.begin(), setC.end()};
        for (const auto& itemB : setB)
            auto idxA = std::upper_bound(orderedA.begin(), orderedA.end(), itemB);
            auto idxC = std::upper_bound(orderedC.begin(), orderedC.end(), itemB);
            auto aDiff = idxA - orderedA.begin();
            auto cDiff = idxC - orderedC.begin();
            result += aDiff * cDiff;
        return result;


    function triplets(a, b, c) {
      let cleanA = [ Set(a)].sort((a, b) => a - b)
      let cleanB = [ Set(b)].sort((a, b) => a - b)
      let cleanC = [ Set(c)].sort((a, b) => a - b)
      let count = 0
      for (let i = 0; i < cleanB.length; i++) {
        let howManyA = cleanA.findIndex(v => v > cleanB[i])
        let howManyC = cleanC.findIndex(v => v > cleanB[i])
        if (howManyA == -1) howManyA = cleanA.length
        if (howManyC == -1) howManyC = cleanC.length
        count += howManyA * howManyC
      return count

    My algorithm works as follows:: 1. remove duplicates from all vectors (generate sets, then recreate vectors); note that the vectors are now sorted because std::set is an ordered collection 2. for all elements q in B, find the number of elements r in C such that q <= r using binary search, and store the results in vector. Also, generate a prefix sum of that vector starting from its end. 3. for all elements p in A, find the first element q in B such that p <= q. Simply add all triplets with q' >= q in B, that are now stored in the prefix sum array of B.

    long long triplets(vector<int> a, vector<int> b, vector<int> c) {
        std::set<int> ta(a.begin(), a.end());
        std::set<int> tb(b.begin(), b.end());
        std::set<int> tc(c.begin(), c.end());
        std::vector<long long> A(ta.begin(), ta.end()), B(tb.begin(), tb.end()), C(tc.begin(), tc.end());
        long long count = 0;
        std::vector<long long> pref(B.size());
        pref[B.size() - 1] = std::distance(C.begin(), std::upper_bound(C.begin(), C.end(), B[B.size() - 1]));
        for(int i = B.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
            auto it = std::upper_bound(C.begin(), C.end(), B[i]);
            pref[i] = pref[i + 1] + std::distance(C.begin(), it);
        for(int p : A) {
            auto it = std::lower_bound(B.begin(), B.end(), p);
            if(it == B.end()) continue;
            else count += pref[std::distance(B.begin(), it)];
        return count;

    JS all pass

    function triplets(a, b, c) {
      let cleanA = [ Set(a)].sort((x, y) => x - y)
      let cleanB = [ Set(b)]
      let cleanC = [ Set(c)].sort((x, y) => x - y)
      let count = 0
      for (let i = 0; i < cleanB.length; i++) {
        let numOfP = 0, numOfQ = 0
        for (let j = cleanA.length; j > 0; j--) {
          if (cleanA[j - 1] <= cleanB[i]) {
            numOfP = j
        for (let j = cleanC.length; j > 0; j--) {
          if (cleanC[j - 1] <= cleanB[i]) {
            numOfQ = j
        count += numOfP * numOfQ
      return count

    Completely unnecessary Treap implementation in C++

    This can be solved in 2 lines with python, but why do it when we can implement a binary search tree in C++ ourselves :)


    a,c,b = sorted(set(a)), sorted(set(c)),set(b)
        return sum([bisect(a,i)*bisect(c,i) for i in b])


    struct node{
        int v,p;
        uint64_t c;
        node* left, *right;
        node(int _v, int _p){c=1;v=_v;p=_p;left=right=nullptr;};
        inline static uint64_t getCount(node* x) {
            if(!x) return 0;
            return 1+(x->left?x->left->c:0)+(x->right?x->right->c:0); 
        void update() {c=1+getCount(left)+getCount(right);}
        static void split(node* p, node*& l, node*& r, int val){
            if(!p) l=r=p;
            else if(p->v < val) split(p->right, p->right,r,val), l=p;
            else split(p->left, l, p->left, val), r=p;
            if(p) p->update();
        static void insert(node*& p, node* x){
            if(!p) p=x;
            else if(x->p > p->p) split(p, x->left, x->right, x->v), p=x;
            else (p->v > x->v ? insert(p->left,x) : insert(p->right,x) );
            if(p) p->update();
        static uint64_t lessThan(node* p, int val){
            if(!p) return 0;
            else if (p->v > val) return lessThan(p->left,val);
            else return 1+lessThan(p->right,val)+getCount(p->left);
    uint64_t triplets(vector<int> a, vector<int> b, vector<int> c) {
        a.resize(distance(a.begin(),unique (a.begin(), a.end())));
        unordered_set<int> sa, sb, sc;
        node *ax=nullptr, *cx=nullptr;
        uint64_t ans = 0;
        for(auto x: a) node::insert(ax,new node(x,rand()));
        for(auto x: c) if(sc.insert(x).second) 
            node::insert(cx,new node(x,rand()));
        for(auto x: b) if(sb.insert(x).second) 
        return ans;