incase anyone was looking for solution :

    import java.util.Scanner
    import scala.annotation.tailrec
    trait Tree {
      def value: Boolean
      def applyRule(rule: Int, parentValue: Boolean = false): Tree
      final def changeState(rule: Int, stepCount: Int): Tree = if (stepCount == 0) this else applyRule(rule).changeState(rule, stepCount - 1)
      def atPath(path: List[Char]): Boolean
      protected def nextValue(rule: Int, parentValue: Boolean, leftValue: Boolean, rightValue: Boolean): Boolean = {
        def toBit(value: Boolean, index: Int) = (if (value) 1 else 0) << index
        val bit = toBit(parentValue, 3) | toBit(leftValue, 2) | toBit(value, 1) | toBit(rightValue, 0)
        (rule & (1 << bit)) != 0
    object Tree {
      def parse(s: List[Char]): Tree = {
        def inner(s: List[Char]): (Tree, List[Char]) = s match {
          case Nil => (Empty, Nil)
          case c :: cs => c match {
            case '.' => (Leaf(false), cs)
            case 'X' => (Leaf(true), cs)
            case '(' =>
              val (left, afterLeft) = inner(cs)
              val (root, afterRoot) = inner(afterLeft)
              val (right, afterRight) = inner(afterRoot)
              (Node(root.value, left, right), afterRight)
            case _ => inner(cs)
    case class Node(value: Boolean, left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree {
      override def applyRule(rule: Int, parentValue: Boolean): Tree = Node(
        nextValue(rule, parentValue, left.value, right.value),
        left.applyRule(rule, value),
        right.applyRule(rule, value)
      override def atPath(path: List[Char]): Boolean = path match {
        case ']' :: _ => value
        case c :: cs => (if (c == '<') left else right).atPath(cs)
        case Nil => throw new Exception("Wrong path")
    case class Leaf(value: Boolean) extends Tree {
      override def applyRule(rule: Int, parentValue: Boolean): Tree = Leaf(
        nextValue(rule, parentValue, leftValue = false, rightValue = false)
      override def atPath(path: List[Char]): Boolean = path match {
        case ']' :: _ => value
        case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong path")
    object Empty extends Tree {
      override def value: Boolean = throw new Exception("Value of empty tree")
      override def applyRule(rule: Int, parentValue: Boolean): Tree = this
      override def atPath(path: List[Char]): Boolean = throw new Exception("atPath of empty tree")
    case class Rule(n: Int)
    object Solution {
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        val sc = new Scanner(System.in)
        val rule = sc.nextInt
        val s = sc.nextLine
        val root = Tree.parse(s.toList)
        val n = sc.nextInt
        case class Query(initialIndex: Int, time: Int, path: List[Char])
        def readQueries(rest: Int, time: Int, acc: List[Query]): List[Query] = if (rest == 0) acc
        else {
          val stepCount = sc.nextInt
          val path = sc.nextLine.toList.drop(2)
          val nextTime = time + stepCount
          readQueries(rest - 1, nextTime, Query(n - rest, nextTime, path) :: acc)
        val queries = readQueries(n, 0, Nil).sortBy(_.time)
        case class Answer(initialIndex: Int, value: Boolean)
        case class Accumulator(tree: Tree, time: Int, answers: List[Answer])
        val accumulator = queries.foldLeft(Accumulator(root, 0, Nil))((acc, query) => {
          val tree = acc.tree.changeState(rule, query.time - acc.time)
          Accumulator(tree, query.time, Answer(query.initialIndex, tree.atPath(query.path)) :: acc.answers)
        println(accumulator.answers.sortBy(_.initialIndex).map(v => if (v.value) 'X' else '.').mkString("\n"))