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15 Discussions





    dont quite understand the example if at move time 1 the state is: ((X . (. X .)) X (. X (X . X)))

    why is 1 [><] equal to X?

    what im getting from instructions is that > moves me to the (. X (X . X))) tree and then going left by < should be taking me to the left . of right side tree root X


    The problem statement is garbage. Instead of trying to sound impressive by using words like "Turing complete" and "linear automaton", the author should've spent more time in lucidly stating the problem statement.


    Took me 2 days but fixed by using some randomness to deal with


    incase anyone was looking for solution :

    import java.util.Scanner
    import scala.annotation.tailrec
    trait Tree {
      def value: Boolean
      def applyRule(rule: Int, parentValue: Boolean = false): Tree
      final def changeState(rule: Int, stepCount: Int): Tree = if (stepCount == 0) this else applyRule(rule).changeState(rule, stepCount - 1)
      def atPath(path: List[Char]): Boolean
      protected def nextValue(rule: Int, parentValue: Boolean, leftValue: Boolean, rightValue: Boolean): Boolean = {
        def toBit(value: Boolean, index: Int) = (if (value) 1 else 0) << index
        val bit = toBit(parentValue, 3) | toBit(leftValue, 2) | toBit(value, 1) | toBit(rightValue, 0)
        (rule & (1 << bit)) != 0
    object Tree {
      def parse(s: List[Char]): Tree = {
        def inner(s: List[Char]): (Tree, List[Char]) = s match {
          case Nil => (Empty, Nil)
          case c :: cs => c match {
            case '.' => (Leaf(false), cs)
            case 'X' => (Leaf(true), cs)
            case '(' =>
              val (left, afterLeft) = inner(cs)
              val (root, afterRoot) = inner(afterLeft)
              val (right, afterRight) = inner(afterRoot)
              (Node(root.value, left, right), afterRight)
            case _ => inner(cs)
    case class Node(value: Boolean, left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree {
      override def applyRule(rule: Int, parentValue: Boolean): Tree = Node(
        nextValue(rule, parentValue, left.value, right.value),
        left.applyRule(rule, value),
        right.applyRule(rule, value)
      override def atPath(path: List[Char]): Boolean = path match {
        case ']' :: _ => value
        case c :: cs => (if (c == '<') left else right).atPath(cs)
        case Nil => throw new Exception("Wrong path")
    case class Leaf(value: Boolean) extends Tree {
      override def applyRule(rule: Int, parentValue: Boolean): Tree = Leaf(
        nextValue(rule, parentValue, leftValue = false, rightValue = false)
      override def atPath(path: List[Char]): Boolean = path match {
        case ']' :: _ => value
        case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong path")
    object Empty extends Tree {
      override def value: Boolean = throw new Exception("Value of empty tree")
      override def applyRule(rule: Int, parentValue: Boolean): Tree = this
      override def atPath(path: List[Char]): Boolean = throw new Exception("atPath of empty tree")
    case class Rule(n: Int)
    object Solution {
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        val sc = new Scanner(
        val rule = sc.nextInt
        val s = sc.nextLine
        val root = Tree.parse(s.toList)
        val n = sc.nextInt
        case class Query(initialIndex: Int, time: Int, path: List[Char])
        def readQueries(rest: Int, time: Int, acc: List[Query]): List[Query] = if (rest == 0) acc
        else {
          val stepCount = sc.nextInt
          val path = sc.nextLine.toList.drop(2)
          val nextTime = time + stepCount
          readQueries(rest - 1, nextTime, Query(n - rest, nextTime, path) :: acc)
        val queries = readQueries(n, 0, Nil).sortBy(_.time)
        case class Answer(initialIndex: Int, value: Boolean)
        case class Accumulator(tree: Tree, time: Int, answers: List[Answer])
        val accumulator = queries.foldLeft(Accumulator(root, 0, Nil))((acc, query) => {
          val tree = acc.tree.changeState(rule, query.time - acc.time)
          Accumulator(tree, query.time, Answer(query.initialIndex, tree.atPath(query.path)) :: acc.answers)
        println(accumulator.answers.sortBy(_.initialIndex).map(v => if (v.value) 'X' else '.').mkString("\n"))