Sum of Digits of a Five Digit Number Discussions | C | HackerRank
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int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
//Complete the code to calculate the sum of the five digits on n.
int a = n / 10000;
int b = (n-a*10000) / 1000;
int c = (n-(b*1000)-(a*10000)) / 100;
int d = (n-(c*100)-(b*1000)-(a*10000)) / 10;
int e = (n-(c*100)-(b*1000) - (d*10) - (a*10000) );
int sum = a + b+c+d +e;
return 0;
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Sum of Digits of a Five Digit Number
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I know it is ugly but it is my logic :D
int main() {