Highest Value Palindrome

    def highestValuePalindrome(s, n, k):
        sArr = list(s)
        half = (n >> 1) + 1
        count = k
        # check non-palindrome
        idxL, idxR = 0, n - 1
        while idxL <= idxR:
            if sArr[idxL] != sArr[idxR]:
                # use the max value of them
                sArr[idxL] = sArr[idxR] = max(sArr[idxL], sArr[idxR])
                count -= 1
            # if there are more than k invalid digits, return -1 
            if count < 0:
                return '-1'
            idxL, idxR = idxL + 1, idxR - 1
        # repalce 9
        idxL, idxR = 0, n - 1
        while idxL <= idxR:
            if idxL == idxR:
                # if it is the middle one(odd length), try to set the digit to 9
                if count > 0:
                    sArr[idxL] = '9'
                deduct = 0
                if sArr[idxL] < '9':
                    # set the pair of digits to 9 if it is necessary
                    if sArr[idxL] != s[idxL] or sArr[idxR] != s[idxR]:
                        # if this pair of digits are invalid, reduce by 1, 
                        # because the counter has already decrased by 1 before
                        deduct = 1
                        # otherwise, decrease the counter by 2
                        deduct = 2
                    # if the counter is still greater or equals to 0, execute it  
                    if (count - deduct) >= 0:
                        sArr[idxL] = sArr[idxR] = '9'
                        count -= deduct
            idxL, idxR = idxL + 1, idxR - 1
        return ''.join(sArr)