Highest Value Palindrome

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    **C# Solution O(n) time 0(1) space **

    public static string highestValuePalindrome(string s, int n, int k)
        /* Thought process
        if s is palindrome, then easily update
        if s is not palindrome, then need to know how many different pair D.
        If k < D, then nope. Otherwise,
        If k == D, change all half of the diff pairs
        if k > D, after above, change from the furthest out pair to inside
        char[] arr = s.ToArray<char>();
        HashSet<int> updated = new HashSet<int>();
        int l = 0, r = n-1;
        int mid = n/2;
        int replace = k;
        while ( l < r) {
            if (s[l] == s[r]) { 
                l++; r--;
            if (replace>0) {
                if (s[l] > s[r]) {
                    arr[r] = arr[l];
                } else {
                    arr[l] = arr[r];
            } else {
                if (l < mid) {
                    return "-1";
            l++; r--;
        l = 0;
        r = n-1;
        while(replace > 0 && l<=r) {
            if (arr[l]<'9') {
                if (l == r) {
                    arr[l] = '9';
                if (updated.Contains(l)) {
                    // need one change only, since one is counted to update to non-9
                    arr[l] = '9';
                    arr[r] = '9';
                } else if (replace > 1) {
                    arr[l] = '9';
                    arr[r] = '9';
            l++; r--;
        return new string(arr);

    Hi @nabila_ahmed

    You are the author of Highest Value Palindrome problem. I was going through your solution and in your condition below condition else if((mark[l]==1 || mark[r]==1) && k>=1) { k-=1; ans[l] = ans[r] = '9'; } You are decrementing k by 1 but it should be decremented by 2 because we are changing both ans[l] and ans[r] in theelse part which requires 2 moves. If only 1 move is left how is this condition justified!!!



    I saw your solution in JAVA but I have a thing to ask..in the below condition else if (k - changes >= 1 && s.charAt(left) != s.charAt(right)) {

                        chars[left] = '9';
                        chars[right] = '9';

    In this condition, you are changing two characters but incrementing changes by 1. Why? For the string "092282" with k = 3, I debugged the code and in first loop the array was [2, 9, 2, 2, 9, 2] but in the above condition you are actually changing the values of both left and right index but incrementing the change by 1. I think it should be 2 . Am I mising something in the logic?


    My answer with Typescript, simple

    function highestValuePalindrome(s: string, n: number, k: number): string {
        const replace = (s: string, i: number, c: string): string => {
            return s.substring(0, i) + c + s.substring(i + 1)
        // 1. make [s] palidrome (required [k*] number of times), mark [i] that need to changes
        //  - using larger value to replace, saving [k] in 2. step
        let circles = []
        for (let i = 0; i < Math.floor(n / 2); i++) {
            let j = n - i - 1
            if (s[i] == s[j]) continue
            if (s[i] > s[j]) s = replace(s, j, s[i])
            if (s[i] < s[j]) s = replace(s, i, s[j])
            // no more [k] left, it can't be palidrome
            if (k < 0) return '-1'
        // 2. with remaining [k], replacement to increasing number value
        //  - with [i] that marked only need changes 1 orelse 2
        //  - with [s] is odd, changes the middle number if still have [k]
        for (let i = 0; i < Math.floor(n / 2); i++) {
            let j = n - i - 1
            if (s[i] != '9') {
                let k_ = circles.includes(i) ? 1 : 2
                if (k >= k_) {
                    s = replace(s, i, '9')
                    s = replace(s, j, '9')
                    k -= k_
        if (n % 2 == 1 && k > 0) s = replace(s, Math.floor(n / 2), '9')
        // 3. return the final palidrome [s]
        return s
    def highestValuePalindrome(s, n, k):
        s = list(s)  
        left = 0
        right = n - 1
        mismatches = set()
        while left < right:
            if s[left] != s[right]:
                s[left] = s[right] = max(s[left], s[right])
                k -= 1
            if k < 0: 
                return '-1'
            left += 1
            right -= 1
        left = 0
        right = n - 1
        while left <= right:
            if left == right: 
                if k > 0:
                    s[left] = '9'
            elif s[left] != '9':  
                if left in mismatches: 
                    if k >= 1:
                        s[left] = s[right] = '9'
                        k -= 1
                elif k >= 2:  
                    s[left] = s[right] = '9'
                    k -= 2
            left += 1
            right -= 1
        return ''.join(s)