Highest Value Palindrome


    Python 3

    import collections
    def highestValuePalindrome(s, n, k):
        if n == 1: #Easily solvable if n = 1
            if k >= 1:
                return "9"
                return s
        #Get a string of the pure completed palindrome, along with an array of extra changes needed for both numbers to become "9"
        half = int(n//2)
        string = ""
        extra_steps = collections.deque()
        for i in range(half):
            left, right = s[i], s[n-1-i]
            change = 0
            if left != right: #Fixed needed if not matching
                k -= 1
                if k < 0: #No need to continue if impossible
                #If neither are "9", then need one extra change to become "9"
                if left != "9" and right != "9":
                    change = 1
            #If matching and not equal to "9", two extra changes are needed to become "9"
            elif left != "9":
                change = 2
            string += max(left, right) #Add the highest value
            if k - change < 0: #Can't change to "9" if not enough moves are available
                change = 0
        if k < 0: #Failed if k < 0
            return "-1"
        steps = 0 #Also the index
        high_string = ""
        for x in extra_steps:
            if k - x >= 0 and x > 0: #No change if not enough attemps or there are no changes
                high_string += "9"
                k -= x
                high_string += string[steps]
            steps += 1
        if n%2 == 1: #Check if there is a middle digit
            if k > 0: #Can change to "9" if there is still changes possible
                middle = "9"
            else: #Otherwise the original middle
                middle = s[half]
        else: #There is no middle
            middle = ""
        return high_string + middle + high_string[::-1]