Absolute Element Sums

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    Solution in Python

    def playingWithNumbers(arr, queries):
        A = arr
        Q = queries
        final = []
        CumSum = [A[0]]
        for i in A[1:]:
            CumSum.append(i + CumSum[-1])
        SumAbs = sum([abs(m) for m in A])
        AddFactor = 0
        n = len(A)
        for I, i in enumerate(Q):
            AddFactor += i
            if AddFactor > 0:
                SplitLoc1 = bisect.bisect_right(A, -AddFactor)
                SplitLoc2 = bisect.bisect_left(A, 0)
                Mult = 1
            elif AddFactor < 0:
                SplitLoc2 = bisect.bisect_left(A, -AddFactor)
                SplitLoc1 = bisect.bisect_right(A, 0)
                Mult = -1
            elif AddFactor == 0:
                SplitLoc1 = -1
            if SplitLoc1 == -1:
                if SplitLoc1 == 0:
                    CSLeft = 0
                    CSLeft = CumSum[SplitLoc1 - 1]
                MiddleChange = Mult * ((SplitLoc2 - SplitLoc1) * AddFactor + 2 * (CumSum[max([0, SplitLoc2 - 1])] - CSLeft))
                LeftChange = -AddFactor * SplitLoc1
                RightChange = AddFactor * max([0, n - SplitLoc2])
                TotalChange = LeftChange + MiddleChange + RightChange
                Output = SumAbs + TotalChange
        return final

    For C++ vector playingWithNumbers(vector arr, vector queries) { would not work because of arithmetic overflow, rather use: vector playingWithNumbers(vector arr, vector queries) {

    • adjust usage in main() { ... }

    JavaScript solution

    function playingWithNumbers(arr, queries) {
        // Write your code here
        let sum = 0;
        let other = [];
        arr.forEach(n => {
            if (n < -2000 || n > 2000) {
                sum += Math.abs(n);
            else {
                other[n + 2000] = (other[n + 2000] || 0) + 1;
        let xx = 0;
        return queries.map(x => {
            xx += x;
            return other.reduce((acc, c, n) => acc + Math.abs(n - 2000 + xx) * c, sum);

    I finally beated the hack. The key here is to note that, according to restrictions, there can be only 4001 different values for input, so we can characterize them by their value, and the number of occurrences for each. Then, it's pretty straightforward.

    typedef uint64_t result_t;
    /* This structure stores info about each element in dara `arr`.
     * There exist, as much, 4001 different values as
     *   -2000 <= arr[i] <= 2000
    struct point
    	int value;
    	int freq;
    typedef struct point point_t;
    /* Calculates the result of query `q` applied over arr */
    result_t calculateQueryResult(size_t sample_len, point_t* restrict sample, const int q)
        result_t abs_sum = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < sample_len; i++) {
    	    abs_sum += sample[i].freq * abs(sample[i].value += q);
        return abs_sum;
    /** This maps a value into an index of the array of samples */
    #define map(value) (2000 + (value))
    /* This builds the sample from array `arr`: values and number 
     * of occurrences for each
    void characterizeSample(size_t arr_count, int* restrict arr, size_t sample_len, point_t *sample) {
    	size_t i, j;
    	for (j = 0; j < sample_len; j++) {
    		sample[j].freq = 0;
    	for (i = 0; i < arr_count; i++) {
    		j = map(arr[i]);
    		sample[j].value = arr[i];
     * Complete the 'playingWithNumbers' function below.
     * The function is expected to return an INTEGER_ARRAY.
     * The function accepts following parameters:
     *  1. INTEGER_ARRAY arr
     *  2. INTEGER_ARRAY queries
    result_t* playingWithNumbers(size_t arr_count, int* restrict arr, size_t queries_count, int* restrict queries, size_t* result_count) {
    	*result_count = queries_count;
    	// dynamically allocate space for vector `result`
    	if (arr_count <= 0 || queries_count <= 0) { return NULL; }
    	result_t *result = (result_t *)calloc(queries_count, sizeof(result_t));
        // initial sum of the array
        result_t r = 0;
    	size_t j;
    	// characterize sample: compute frequency of each value
    	int sample_len = 4001;
    	point_t sample[4001];
    	characterizeSample(arr_count, arr, sample_len, sample);
        for (j = 0; j < queries_count; j++) {
            result[j] = calculateQueryResult(sample_len, sample, queries[j]);
        return result;

    I am getting time limit exceeded on the 5th test, with C++20. But it runs on my laptop in 0.329s ... Any idea what's going on?