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My C++ solution, it's not the best algorithm for this problem but it fits the way to think
long comp(vector<long> &a, vector<long> &b) { return a[0] < b[0]; } long minimumAverage(vector<vector<long>> customers) { sort(customers.begin(), customers.end(), comp); multiset<long> waits; long visited = 0; auto leftIte = customers.begin(); long res = 0; long timeline = customers[0][0]; auto rightIte = customers.begin(); while (visited < customers.size()) { rightIte = upper_bound(leftIte, customers.end(), timeline, [](long val, vector<long> &a) { return a[0] > val; }); auto it = leftIte; while (it != rightIte) { waits.insert((*it)[1]); it += 1; } if (waits.size() == 0) { timeline += (*leftIte)[0]; continue; } long minVal = *waits.begin(); res += waits.size() * minVal; waits.erase(waits.begin(), next(waits.begin())); it = leftIte; while (it < customers.end()) { if (timeline >= (*it)[0]) { it += 1; } else if ((*it)[0] <= timeline + minVal) { res += timeline + minVal - (*it)[0]; waits.insert((*it)[1]); it += 1; } else { break; } } timeline += minVal; visited += 1; leftIte = it; } return res / customers.size(); }
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My C++ solution, it's not the best algorithm for this problem but it fits the way to think