Minimum Average Waiting Time

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178 Discussions



    This code passes all test cases

    public static long minimumAverage(List> customers) { // Write your code here // Assumption from the problem statement: // 1. The first order is always cooked first.

        customers.sort(new Comparator<List<Integer>>() {
            public int compare(List<Integer> o1, List<Integer> o2)
                return o1.get(0) - o2.get(0);
        PriorityQueue<List<Integer>> cookQueue = new PriorityQueue<>();
        PriorityQueue<List<Integer>> orderQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(new Comparator<List<Integer>>()
            public int compare(List<Integer> o1, List<Integer> o2)
                return o1.get(1) - o2.get(1); // Sort based on cook time.
        long totalCookTime = 0;
        long totalWaitTime = 0;
            return 0;
        // The first order is always cooked first
        for(int i = 1; i < customers.size(); i++)
        long firstOrderTime = cookQueue.peek().get(0);
            List<Integer> order = cookQueue.remove();
            int orderTime = order.get(0);
            int cookTime = order.get(1);
            totalCookTime += cookTime;
            totalWaitTime += (totalCookTime + firstOrderTime - orderTime);
            List<List<Integer>> holding = new ArrayList<>();
            while(!orderQueue.isEmpty() && orderQueue.peek().get(0) > (totalCookTime + firstOrderTime))
            // If there is a gap between order time and cook time (pizza oven idles)
            if(cookQueue.isEmpty() && !orderQueue.isEmpty())
                firstOrderTime = cookQueue.peek().get(0); //Reset the anchor point. 
                totalWaitTime = 0;
        return totalWaitTime / customers.size();

    lol the answer is long long but the question use int, if you're getting errors change int to long long in return type and in the main function

    O(nlog n)

    struct Compare {
        bool operator()(const pair<int, int>& a, const pair<int, int>& b) {
            if (a.second == b.second) {
                return a.first > b.first;
            return a.second > b.second;
    long long minimumAverage(vector<vector<int>> customers) {
        sort(customers.begin(), customers.end());
        long long totalTime = 0;
        long long currentTime = 0;
        int pizzaCooked = 0;
        int i = 0;
        vector<pair<int, int>> pendingOrders;
        while (pizzaCooked != customers.size()) {
            while (i < customers.size() and customers[i][0] <= currentTime) {
                pendingOrders.push_back({customers[i][0], customers[i][1]});
                push_heap(pendingOrders.begin(), pendingOrders.end(), Compare());
            if (pendingOrders.empty()) currentTime = customers[i][0];
            else {
                currentTime = currentTime + pendingOrders[0].second;
                totalTime = totalTime + currentTime - pendingOrders[0].first;
                pop_heap(pendingOrders.begin(), pendingOrders.end(), Compare());
        return totalTime/customers.size();

    My C++ solution, it's not the best algorithm for this problem but it fits the way to think

    long comp(vector<long> &a, vector<long> &b)
        return a[0] < b[0];
    long minimumAverage(vector<vector<long>> customers)
        sort(customers.begin(), customers.end(), comp);
        multiset<long> waits;
        long visited = 0;
        auto leftIte = customers.begin();
        long res = 0;
        long timeline = customers[0][0];
        auto rightIte = customers.begin();
        while (visited < customers.size())
            rightIte = upper_bound(leftIte, customers.end(),
                                   timeline, [](long val, vector<long> &a)
                                   { return a[0] > val; });
            auto it = leftIte;
            while (it != rightIte) {
                it += 1;
            if (waits.size() == 0)
                timeline += (*leftIte)[0];
            long minVal = *waits.begin();
            res += waits.size() * minVal;
            waits.erase(waits.begin(), next(waits.begin()));
            it = leftIte;
            while (it < customers.end())
                if (timeline >= (*it)[0])
                    it += 1;
                else if ((*it)[0] <= timeline + minVal)
                    res += timeline + minVal - (*it)[0];
                    it += 1;
            timeline += minVal;
            visited += 1;
            leftIte = it;
        return res / customers.size();

    I get that you cannot see future orders as in the solution must be online, but what's stopping me from delaying an order and not cook any pizzas at the moment to bet on the possibility that it could get me a lower average waiting time?


    0 26
    5 13

    Expected answer is 60/2=30, but if you delay the first customer's order and cook the second customer's pizza first you can get 57/2=28.5.

    The expected solution assumes that you should always cook pizzas as long as you have an order, however I do not see this in the problem statement. Am I making any sense?

    (Unrelated but what's up with the spam checker?)

    EDIT: Found this comment, looks like I'm not alone :)


    Python3 solution with explanation!

    def minimumAverage(customers):
        # Customers is a list of tuples. I assume it's already
        # sorted by i[0], the arrival time, but let's make sure.
        # We'll also need to know the total customer number in
        # order to calculate the average wait later on.
        cust_count = len(customers)
        # Since the minimum average wait will always be reached
        # by preparing the quickest pizza first, we want to store
        # the pizzas in a min heap sorted by required cook time.
        # As we start cooking, we'll pull customers off the list
        # and put them into a heap of waiting customers. We'll
        # also need to track time throughout the process to know
        # when to add to the heap or remove from it. And since
        # we're calculating average using the total number of
        # customers, we need a variable for total wait time to
        # divide by it.
        waiting = []
        time = 0
        wait_time = 0
        # This whole process will run until there are no more
        # customers in either list.
        while customers or waiting:
            # Move customers to waiting once they've ordered.
            # Flip tuple values for correct priority sort.
            while customers and time >= customers[0][0]:
                t_order, t_cook = customers.pop(0)
                heapq.heappush(waiting, (t_cook, t_order))
            # If we're waiting for orders, jump to the next.
            if len(waiting) == 0:
                time = customers[0][0]
            # We don't want to move one second at a time as
            # that would confuse priority. We want to think
            # of time in the form of pizzas cooked. So,
            # instead of incrementing time, we'll add the
            # cook time of the highest priority pizza, one at
            # a time. That will give the time the customer is
            # served, from which we subtract their order time
            # to know their wait and add it to the total wait.
            cook, order = heapq.heappop(waiting)
            time += cook
            wait_time += (time - order)
        # Use // to return only the integer part of avg time.
        return wait_time // cust_count