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func matrixRotation(matrix: [[Int]], r: Int) -> Void { // Write your code here let xCount: Int = matrix.count - 1 let yCount: Int = matrix.first!.count - 1 var coor: [[Int]] = [[Int]]() var flatMatrix: [Int] = [Int]() var newMatrix: [[Int]] = [[Int]](repeating: [Int](repeating: 0, count: yCount + 1), count: xCount + 1) var x: Int = 0 var y: Int = -1 var totalYRunSet: Int = 0 var cycle: Int = 0 var isIncrease: Bool = true var isYRun: Bool = true { didSet { totalYRunSet += 1 if totalYRunSet % 4 == 0 { totalYRunSet = 0 } if totalYRunSet == 3 { cycle += 1 } } } while(true) { if isYRun { if isIncrease { y += 1 if y == yCount - cycle { isYRun = false } } else { y -= 1 if y == cycle { isYRun = false } } } else { if isIncrease { x += 1 if x == xCount - cycle { isYRun = true isIncrease = false } } else { x -= 1 if x == cycle { isYRun = true isIncrease = true } } } if newMatrix[x][y] == 1 { break } coor.append([x, y]) newMatrix[x][y] = 1 } for xy in coor { flatMatrix.append(matrix[xy[0]][xy[1]]) } var xyCount: [Int] = [xCount + 1, yCount + 1 ] var startIndex: Int = 0 var newFlatMatrix: [Int] = [Int]() while(xyCount.min()! >= 2) { let total: Int = ((xyCount[0] * 2) + (xyCount[1] * 2)) - 4 let slicedMatrix: [Int] = Array(flatMatrix[startIndex ... startIndex + total - 1]) var index: Int = r % total if index == 0 { newFlatMatrix.append(contentsOf: slicedMatrix) } else { newFlatMatrix.append(slicedMatrix[index]) while (index != (r % slicedMatrix.count) - 1) { index += 1 if index == slicedMatrix.count { index = 0 } newFlatMatrix.append(slicedMatrix[index]) } } startIndex += total xyCount[0] -= 2 xyCount[1] -= 2 } for (mtrx, xy) in zip(newFlatMatrix, coor) { newMatrix[xy[0]][xy[1]] = mtrx } print({ ${ String($0) }.joined(separator: " ") }.joined(separator: "\n")) }
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Matrix Layer Rotation
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