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    sub rotate_matrix {
        my ($matrix, $r) = @_;
        my $rows = scalar @$matrix;
        my $cols = scalar @{$matrix->[0]};
        my $num_layers = int(min($rows, $cols) / 2);
        for my $layer (0 .. $num_layers - 1) {
            my @ring = extract_ring($matrix, $layer, $rows, $cols);
            my $perimeter = scalar @ring;
            my $effective_r = $r % $perimeter;
            @ring = (@ring[$effective_r .. $#ring], @ring[0 .. $effective_r - 1]);
            place_ring($matrix, \@ring, $layer, $rows, $cols);
    sub extract_ring {
        my ($matrix, $layer, $rows, $cols) = @_;
        my @ring;
        for my $i ($layer .. $cols - $layer - 1) {
            push @ring, $matrix->[$layer][$i];
        for my $i ($layer + 1 .. $rows - $layer - 1) {
            push @ring, $matrix->[$i][$cols - $layer - 1];
        for my $i (reverse $layer .. $cols - $layer - 2) {
            push @ring, $matrix->[$rows - $layer - 1][$i];
        for my $i (reverse $layer + 1 .. $rows - $layer - 2) {
            push @ring, $matrix->[$i][$layer];
        return @ring;
    sub place_ring {
        my ($matrix, $ring_ref, $layer, $rows, $cols) = @_;
        my @ring = @$ring_ref;
        my $index = 0;
        for my $i ($layer .. $cols - $layer - 1) {
            $matrix->[$layer][$i] = $ring[$index++];
        for my $i ($layer + 1 .. $rows - $layer - 1) {
            $matrix->[$i][$cols - $layer - 1] = $ring[$index++];
        for my $i (reverse $layer .. $cols - $layer - 2) {
            $matrix->[$rows - $layer - 1][$i] = $ring[$index++];
        for my $i (reverse $layer + 1 .. $rows - $layer - 2) {
            $matrix->[$i][$layer] = $ring[$index++];
    sub matrixRotation {
        my ($matrix, $r) = @_;
        rotate_matrix($matrix, $r);    
        foreach my $row (@$matrix) {
            print "@$row\n";
    sub min {
        return $_[0] < $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1];


    void matrixRotation(vector<vector<int>> matrix, int r) {
        int mr = matrix.size();
        int mc = matrix[0].size();
        int dirx[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; // x, y
        int diry[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0};
        vector<vector<int>>ring; // drul
        int num_ring = min(ceil(mr / 2), ceil(mc / 2));
        for(int i = 0; i < num_ring; i++){
            int sx = i, sy = i;
            int dir = 0, current_ring_num = 2 * mc + 2 * mr - 8 * i - 4;
            vector<int> tmp;
            for(int j = 0; j < current_ring_num; j++){
                if(sx + dirx[dir] >= mc - i || sy + diry[dir] >= mr - i || sy + diry[dir] < i){
                sx += dirx[dir];
                sy += diry[dir];
            rotate(tmp.begin(), tmp.end() - r % current_ring_num, tmp.end());
        for(int i = 0; i < ring.size(); i++){
            int sx = i, sy = i;
            int dir = 0, current_ring_num = 2 * mc + 2 * mr - 8 * i - 4;
            for(int j = 0; j < current_ring_num; j++){
                if(sx + dirx[dir] >= mc - i || sy + diry[dir] >= mr - i || sy + diry[dir] < i){
                matrix[sy][sx] = ring[i][j];
                sx += dirx[dir];
                sy += diry[dir];
        for(int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++){
            for(int j = 0; j < matrix[i].size(); j++)
                cout<<matrix[i][j]<<" ";
  • + 1 comment

    My solution using C++. It's not the best or the most efficient take so i'll try to look for a better approach.

    void matrixRotation(std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix, int r)
        std::vector<std::vector<int>> res = matrix;
        /* Max number of iterations needed to rotate every layer in the 2d vector */
        uint16_t maxIterations = std::min(matrix.size(), matrix[0].size()) / 2;
        for (int iteration = 0; iteration < maxIterations; iteration++) {
            /* Limit of looping through each layer */
            int32_t row = matrix.size() - 2 * iteration, rowIterator = iteration;
            int32_t col = matrix[0].size() - 2 * iteration, colIterator = iteration;
            int perimeter = (2 * (row + col) - 4), tempRot = r;
            r = r % perimeter; // Removing redundant rotations
            int loopAround = 0;
            /* Top side of the current layer */
            while (loopAround < r && colIterator < col + iteration) {
                loopAround++, colIterator++;
            if (colIterator - iteration >= col) {
                loopAround--, colIterator--;
            /* Right side of the current layer */
            while (loopAround < r && rowIterator < row + iteration) {
                loopAround++, rowIterator++;
            if (rowIterator - iteration >= row) {
                loopAround--, rowIterator--;
            /* Bottom side of the current layer */
            while (loopAround < r && colIterator >= iteration) {
                loopAround++, colIterator--;
            if (colIterator < iteration) {
                loopAround--, colIterator++;
            /* Left side of the current layer */
            while (loopAround < r && rowIterator >= iteration) {
                loopAround++, rowIterator--;
            if (rowIterator < iteration) {
                loopAround--, rowIterator++;
            /* Now we have the location of the element to start the rotation from at matrix[rowIterator][colIterator] */
            /* Top side of the current layer except last element */
            for (int layerCol = iteration; layerCol < col + iteration - 1; layerCol++) {
                res[iteration][layerCol] = matrix[rowIterator][colIterator];
                if (rowIterator == iteration && colIterator < col + iteration - 1 && colIterator >= iteration) {
                } else if (colIterator == col + iteration - 1 && rowIterator < row + iteration - 1 && rowIterator >= iteration) {
                } else if (rowIterator == row + iteration - 1 && colIterator <= col + iteration - 1 && colIterator > iteration) {
                } else if (colIterator == iteration && rowIterator <= row + iteration - 1 && rowIterator > iteration) {
            /* Right side of the current layer except last element */
            for (int layerRow = iteration; layerRow < row + iteration - 1; layerRow++) {
                res[layerRow][col + iteration - 1] = matrix[rowIterator][colIterator];
                if (rowIterator == iteration && colIterator < col + iteration - 1 && colIterator >= iteration) {
                } else if (colIterator == col + iteration - 1 && rowIterator < row + iteration - 1 && rowIterator >= iteration) {
                } else if (rowIterator == row + iteration - 1 && colIterator <= col + iteration - 1 && colIterator > iteration) {
                } else if (colIterator == iteration && rowIterator <= row + iteration - 1 && rowIterator > iteration) {
            /* Bottom side of the current layer except last element */
            for (int layerCol = col + iteration - 1; layerCol > iteration; layerCol--) {
                res[row + iteration - 1][layerCol] = matrix[rowIterator][colIterator];
                if (rowIterator == iteration && colIterator < col + iteration - 1 && colIterator >= iteration) {
                } else if (colIterator == col + iteration - 1 && rowIterator < row + iteration - 1 && rowIterator >= iteration) {
                } else if (rowIterator == row + iteration - 1 && colIterator <= col + iteration - 1 && colIterator > iteration) {
                } else if (colIterator == iteration && rowIterator <= row + iteration - 1 && rowIterator > iteration) {
            /* Left side of the current layer except last element */
            for (int layerRow = row + iteration - 1; layerRow > iteration; layerRow--) {
                res[layerRow][iteration] = matrix[rowIterator][colIterator];
                if (rowIterator == iteration && colIterator < col + iteration - 1 && colIterator >= iteration) {
                } else if (colIterator == col + iteration - 1 && rowIterator < row + iteration - 1 && rowIterator >= iteration) {
                } else if (rowIterator == row + iteration - 1 && colIterator <= col + iteration - 1 && colIterator > iteration) {
                } else if (colIterator == iteration && rowIterator <= row + iteration - 1 && rowIterator > iteration) {
            r = tempRot;
        for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < matrix[0].size(); j++) {
                std::cout << matrix[i][j] << " ";
            std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << std::endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < res[0].size(); j++) {
                std::cout << res[i][j] << " ";
            std::cout << std::endl;

    My anser in Typescript, explain includes

    const matrixPrinter = (matrix: number[][]): void => {
        matrix.forEach(row => console.log(row.join(' ')));
    function matrixRotation(matrix: number[][], r: number): void {
         * the size of the maxtrix at circle 1
        const bound_y = matrix.length
        const bound_x = matrix[0].length
         * read matrix and bind it to [hmap] to easy calculate/reposition after
        let hmap: { [cordinate: string]: number } = {}
        matrix.forEach((row, y) => row.forEach((cell, x) => {
            // counting [c], the circle indexed, start from 1
            let c = 1
            while (true) {
                if (y + 1 == c || y + 1 == bound_y - c + 1) break
                if (x + 1 == c || x + 1 == bound_x - c + 1) break
            hmap[`${x + 1}:${y + 1}:${c}`] = cell;
         * calculate/reposition each number in [hmap]
         * + [hmap_temp] create to holding reposition number, avoid to override value
         * + [x],[y] is cordinate of number
         * + [v] is the number
         * + [c] is the circle index where the number is in (from outside to inside, start from 1)
         * + [rc] is the remaining rotations of the circle [c]
         * Q: why each number have [c] and [rc]?
         * A: cause each number can be on different circle, different circle will need different 
         *    number of [r] to complete fully rotation
         * Q: why [rc] look so complicated?
         * A: the hour hand at 10AM today and 10AM tomorow is the same. we dont need to calculate 
         *    the between. save resources and time.
         *      EG: with input [r]=20 and matrix [5x4], we have 2 circle to calculate
         *      circle 1 
         *      moves to complete fully circe: (5 - 1) * 2 + (4 - 1) * 2 = 14
         *      moves we need to real calculate: 20 % 14 = 6
         *      circle 2 (the size reduce from 5x4 to 3x2, -2 from each side)
         *      moves to complete fully circe: (3 - 1) * 2 + (2 - 1) * 2 = 6
         *      moves we need to real calculate: 20 % 6 = 2
        let hmap_temp: typeof hmap = {}
        Object.keys(hmap).forEach(key => {
            let x = Number(key.split(':')[0]);
            let y = Number(key.split(':')[1]);
            let c = Number(key.split(':')[2]);
            let v = Number(hmap[key]);
            let c_size = { x: bound_x - (c - 1) * 2, y: bound_y - (c - 1) * 2 }
            let c_rotations = r % ((c_size.x - 1) * 2 + (c_size.y - 1) * 2)
            while (c_rotations > 0) {
                let direction: 'up' | 'down' | 'left' | 'right'
                // calculate move direction (for number on the edge) ...
                if (x == c) direction = 'down'
                if (x == bound_x - c + 1) direction = 'up'
                if (y == c) direction = 'left'
                if (y == bound_y - c + 1) direction = 'right'
                // calculate move direction (for number on the corner) ...
                if (x == c && y == c) direction = 'down'
                if (x == c && y == bound_y - c + 1) direction = 'right'
                if (x == bound_x - c + 1 && y == bound_y - c + 1) direction = 'up'
                if (x == bound_x - c + 1 && y == c) direction = 'left'
                // this is why using [hmap] is easyer, just change [x] and [y] to move the number
                switch (direction) {
                    case 'up': y--; break
                    case 'down': y++; break
                    case 'left': x--; break
                    case 'right': x++; break
            // store number and it new cordinate to new [hmap]
            hmap_temp[`${x}:${y}`] = v
        // now we got new [hmap] stored rotated matrix info, print it
            new Array(bound_y).fill(0).map((row, y) =>
                new Array(bound_x).fill(0).map((_, x) =>
                    hmap_temp[`${x + 1}:${y + 1}`]

    Best I could think of

    def matrixRotation(matrix, r):
        n = len(matrix)
        m = len(matrix[0])
        lowerit = math.floor(min(n, m)/2)
        n -= 1
        m -= 1
        for i in range(lowerit):
            arr = []
            endl = n - i
            endr = m - i
            for j in range(i, endl+1):
            for j in range(i + 1, endr+1):
            for j in range(endl-1, i-1, -1):
            for j in range(endr-1, i, -1):
            bigrcheck =  r % len(arr)
            nwarr = arr[len(arr)-bigrcheck:] + arr[:len(arr)-bigrcheck] 
            counter = 0
            for j in range(i, endl+1):
                matrix[j][i] = nwarr[counter]
                counter += 1
            for j in range(i + 1, endr+1):
                matrix[endl][j] = nwarr[counter]
                counter += 1
            for j in range(endl-1, i-1, -1):
                matrix[j][endr] = nwarr[counter]
                counter += 1
            for j in range(endr-1, i, -1):
                matrix[i][j] = nwarr[counter]
                counter += 1
        for line in matrix: