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def read_row():
return (int(x) for x in input().split())
def mul(x, y):
return (x * y) % MOD
def add(*args):
return sum(args) % MOD
def sub(x, y):
return (x - y) % MOD
n, q = read_row()
Construct adjacency list of the tree
adj_list = defaultdict(list)
for _ in range(n - 1):
u, v = read_row()
Construct element to set mapping {element: [sets it belongs to]}
elements = {v: set() for v in adj_list}
for set_no in range(q):
for x in read_row():
Do BFS to find parent for each node and order them in reverse depth
root = next(iter(adj_list))
current = [root]
current_depth = 0
order = []
parent = {root: None}
depth = {root: current_depth}
while current:
current_depth += 1
nxt = []
for node in current:
for neighbor in adj_list[node]:
if neighbor not in parent:
parent[neighbor] = node
depth[neighbor] = current_depth
current = nxt
Process nodes in the order created above
score = Counter()
{node: {set_a: [depth, sum of nodes, flow]}}
state = {}
for node in reversed(order):
states = [state[neighbor] for neighbor in adj_list[node] if neighbor != parent[node]]
largest = {s: [depth[node], node, 0] for s in elements[node]}
if states:
max_index = max(range(len(states)), key=lambda x: len(states[x]))
if len(states[max_index]) > len(largest):
states[max_index], largest = largest, states[max_index]
sets = defaultdict(list)
for cur_state in states:
for set_no, v in cur_state.items():
for set_no, states in sets.items():
if len(states) == 1 and set_no not in largest:
largest[set_no] = states[0]
if set_no in largest:
total_flow = 0
total_node_sum = 0
for node_depth, node_sum, node_flow in states:
flow_delta = mul(node_depth - depth[node], node_sum)
total_flow = add(total_flow, flow_delta, node_flow)
total_node_sum += node_sum
set_score = 0
for node_depth, node_sum, node_flow in states:
node_flow = add(mul(node_depth - depth[node], node_sum), node_flow)
diff = mul(sub(total_flow, node_flow), node_sum)
set_score = add(set_score, diff)
score[set_no] = add(score[set_no], set_score)
largest[set_no] = (depth[node], total_node_sum, total_flow)
state[node] = largest
print(*(score[i] for i in range(q)), sep='\n')
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Kitty's Calculations on a Tree
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from collections import Counter, defaultdict
MOD = 10**9 + 7
def read_row(): return (int(x) for x in input().split())
def mul(x, y): return (x * y) % MOD
def add(*args): return sum(args) % MOD
def sub(x, y): return (x - y) % MOD
n, q = read_row()
Construct adjacency list of the tree
adj_list = defaultdict(list)
for _ in range(n - 1): u, v = read_row() adj_list[u].append(v) adj_list[v].append(u)
Construct element to set mapping {element: [sets it belongs to]}
elements = {v: set() for v in adj_list}
for set_no in range(q): read_row() for x in read_row(): elements[x].add(set_no)
Do BFS to find parent for each node and order them in reverse depth
root = next(iter(adj_list)) current = [root] current_depth = 0 order = [] parent = {root: None} depth = {root: current_depth}
while current: current_depth += 1 order.extend(current) nxt = [] for node in current: for neighbor in adj_list[node]: if neighbor not in parent: parent[neighbor] = node depth[neighbor] = current_depth nxt.append(neighbor)
Process nodes in the order created above
score = Counter()
{node: {set_a: [depth, sum of nodes, flow]}}
state = {} for node in reversed(order): states = [state[neighbor] for neighbor in adj_list[node] if neighbor != parent[node]] largest = {s: [depth[node], node, 0] for s in elements[node]}
print(*(score[i] for i in range(q)), sep='\n')