Kitty's Calculations on a Tree

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62 Discussions



    from collections import Counter, defaultdict

    MOD = 10**9 + 7

    def read_row(): return (int(x) for x in input().split())

    def mul(x, y): return (x * y) % MOD

    def add(*args): return sum(args) % MOD

    def sub(x, y): return (x - y) % MOD

    n, q = read_row()

    Construct adjacency list of the tree

    adj_list = defaultdict(list)

    for _ in range(n - 1): u, v = read_row() adj_list[u].append(v) adj_list[v].append(u)

    Construct element to set mapping {element: [sets it belongs to]}

    elements = {v: set() for v in adj_list}

    for set_no in range(q): read_row() for x in read_row(): elements[x].add(set_no)

    Do BFS to find parent for each node and order them in reverse depth

    root = next(iter(adj_list)) current = [root] current_depth = 0 order = [] parent = {root: None} depth = {root: current_depth}

    while current: current_depth += 1 order.extend(current) nxt = [] for node in current: for neighbor in adj_list[node]: if neighbor not in parent: parent[neighbor] = node depth[neighbor] = current_depth nxt.append(neighbor)

    current = nxt

    Process nodes in the order created above

    score = Counter()

    {node: {set_a: [depth, sum of nodes, flow]}}

    state = {} for node in reversed(order): states = [state[neighbor] for neighbor in adj_list[node] if neighbor != parent[node]] largest = {s: [depth[node], node, 0] for s in elements[node]}

    if states:
        max_index = max(range(len(states)), key=lambda x: len(states[x]))
        if len(states[max_index]) > len(largest):
            states[max_index], largest = largest, states[max_index]
    sets = defaultdict(list)
    for cur_state in states:
        for set_no, v in cur_state.items():
    for set_no, states in sets.items():
        if len(states) == 1 and set_no not in largest:
            largest[set_no] = states[0]
        if set_no in largest:
        total_flow = 0
        total_node_sum = 0
        for node_depth, node_sum, node_flow in states:
            flow_delta = mul(node_depth - depth[node], node_sum)
            total_flow = add(total_flow, flow_delta, node_flow)
            total_node_sum += node_sum
        set_score = 0
        for node_depth, node_sum, node_flow in states:
            node_flow = add(mul(node_depth - depth[node], node_sum), node_flow)
            diff = mul(sub(total_flow, node_flow), node_sum)
            set_score = add(set_score, diff)
        score[set_no] = add(score[set_no], set_score)
        largest[set_no] = (depth[node], total_node_sum, total_flow)
    state[node] = largest

    print(*(score[i] for i in range(q)), sep='\n')


    I was able to find some useful hints in the discussions, but they're buried below a mountain of misinformation and nonfunctional solutions. So if you're looking for help, here are the basic components of the solution (or at least, of a solution).

    1. Use a log(n) least-common-ancestor algorithm such as binary lifting.
    2. Order the nodes of the full tree using a post-order traversal.
    3. Process the nodes for each individual query using a priority-queue with the aformentioned node ordering.
    4. Each term in the summation you are computing can be broken into two terms by considering the lowest-common-ancestor of the two nodes. Using this fact, you can precompute a few values for any pair of subtrees that allow you to compute their combined sum in constant time.

    I'm not sure if we can get a solution in js/ts. I have adapted a working c++ solution. It gets tests 1-6 correct, 7-9 wrong, everything else times out.


    'use strict';
    let inputString: string = '';
    let inputLines: string[]=[];
    process.stdin.on('data', function(inputStdin: string): void {
        inputString += inputStdin;
    function readLine():string{
        return inputLines.shift();
    const K = 1000000007;
    const L = 200001;
    let parents : number[] = Array(L);
    let children : number[] = Array(L);
    function resetChildren(){
        children = Array(L).fill(0);
    let valuesSet : boolean[] = Array(L-1);
    function resetValuesSet(){
        valuesSet= Array(L-1).fill(false);
    process.stdin.on('end', function(): void {
        inputLines = inputString.split('\n');
        inputString = '';
    function main(){
        const [n,q] = initMain();
        // edges
        queryloop:for(let i = 0; i < q; i++){
            const k = parseInt(readLine());
            if(k < 2) {
                // result = 0
                // skip next line
                // continue loop
                continue queryloop;
            const query = readLine().split(" ").map(v => parseInt(v));
            // reset valueSet
            // reset children
            let valuesSum = 0;
            for (const q of query) {
                valuesSum += q;
                valuesSet[q] = true;
            let sum = 0;
            for (let j = n; j > 0; j--) {
                let a = children[j];
                if (valuesSet[j]) {
                    a += j;
                if (a) {
                    let x = a * (valuesSum - a);// ((a % K) * ((valuesSum - a) % K)) % K; //
                    // sum =(sum + x)%K;
                    sum += x;
                    // if(sum>K) sum = sum % K;
                children[parents[j]] += a;
    function initMain(){
        return readLine().split(" ").map(v => parseInt(v));
    function prepareEdges(n:number){
        for (let i = 1; i < n; i++){
            const [a,b] = readLine().split(" ").map(v=>parseInt(v));
                parents[b] = a;
                parents[a] = b;

    WTF i can do each query in O(n) time but i get time out on 3 questions, and stack overflow on 2 questions because the tree is too deep

    this question is fuking RIDICULOUS


    Hey can someone help me out solving these problems? My friend sent this contest to me. He says its for noobs but I dont think it is. I cant solve it without any help because I'm new to competitive programming. Here is the contest: