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For coders who want to challenge yourself don't use itertools lib Using The Recursion :D
count = 0 x = [list(map(str, input().split())) for _ in range(3)] data = " ".join(x[1]) data = sorted(data.replace(" ",'')) def my_combinstion(a: str, r, result=None, indices=None, index=0): if result is None: result = [] if indices is None: indices = [] if index == r: pair = tuple(a[i] for i in indices) result.append(pair) return start = indices[-1] + 1 if indices else 0 for i in range(start, len(a)): my_combinstion(a, r, result, indices +[i], index+1) return result z = my_combinstion(data, int(x[-1][-1])) for x in z: if 'a' in x: count+=1 print(count/len(z))
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Iterables and Iterators
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For coders who want to challenge yourself don't use itertools lib Using The Recursion :D