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I came up with a solution that updates a matrix like an image and prints the matrix as the output. Here is my solution in Ocaml
(* rect interface *) type rect = { x: int; y: int; w: int; h: int; } let create_triangle mat rect = for y = 0 to (rect.h - 1) do for x = (rect.w/2 - y) to (rect.w/2 + y)do mat.(rect.y + y).(rect.x + x) <- "1"; done done (* print utility *) let print_matrix printer mat = Array.iter ( fun row -> Array.iter ( fun e -> printer e; print_string ""; ) row; print_newline () ) mat (* helper functions *) let upper_rect rect = let w' = rect.w/2 in let h' = rect.h/2 in { x = rect.x + w'/2 + 1; y = rect.y; w = w'; h = h'; } let left_rect rect = let w' = rect.w/2 in let h' = rect.h/2 in { x = rect.x; y = rect.y + h'; w = w'; h = h'; } let right_rect rect = let w' = rect.w/2 in let h' = rect.h/2 in { x = rect.x + w' + 1; y = rect.y + h'; w = w'; h = h'; } (* sierpinkski fractal algorithm *) let sierpinkski_fractal ~size ~iteration = let height = int_of_float (2.0 ** float_of_int size) in let width = (height * 2) - 1 in let grid = Array.make_matrix height width "_" in let init = {x = 0; y = 0; w = width; h = height} in let grid_create_triangle = grid |> create_triangle in let rec aux r itr = match itr with | i when i = iteration -> grid_create_triangle r | i -> begin aux (upper_rect r) (i + 1); aux (left_rect r) (i + 1); aux (right_rect r) (i + 1) end in aux init 0; grid (* main *) let iter = stdin |> input_line |> int_of_string let () = sierpinkski_fractal ~size:5 ~iteration:iter |> print_matrix print_string
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Functions and Fractals: Sierpinski triangles
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I came up with a solution that updates a matrix like an image and prints the matrix as the output. Here is my solution in Ocaml