Functions and Fractals: Sierpinski triangles

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    I came up with a solution that updates a matrix like an image and prints the matrix as the output. Here is my solution in Ocaml

    (* rect interface *)
    type rect = {
      x: int;
      y: int;
      w: int;
      h: int;
    let create_triangle mat rect =
      for y = 0 to (rect.h - 1) do
        for x = (rect.w/2 - y) to (rect.w/2 + y)do
          mat.(rect.y + y).(rect.x + x) <- "1";
    (* print utility *)
    let print_matrix printer mat = 
      Array.iter (
        fun row -> Array.iter (
          fun e -> printer e; print_string "";
        ) row; print_newline ()
      ) mat
    (* helper functions *)
    let upper_rect rect =
      let w' = rect.w/2 in
      let h' = rect.h/2 in
        x = rect.x + w'/2 + 1;
        y = rect.y; 
        w = w';
        h = h';
    let left_rect rect =
      let w' = rect.w/2 in
      let h' = rect.h/2 in
        x = rect.x;
        y = rect.y + h'; 
        w = w';
        h = h';
    let right_rect rect =
      let w' = rect.w/2 in
      let h' = rect.h/2 in
        x = rect.x + w' + 1;
        y = rect.y + h'; 
        w = w';
        h = h';
    (* sierpinkski fractal algorithm *)
    let sierpinkski_fractal ~size ~iteration =
      let height = int_of_float (2.0 ** float_of_int size) in
      let width = (height * 2) - 1 in
      let grid = Array.make_matrix height width "_" in
      let init = {x = 0; y = 0; w = width; h = height} in
      let grid_create_triangle = grid |> create_triangle in
      let rec aux r itr =
        match itr with
        | i when i = iteration -> grid_create_triangle r
        | i ->
              aux (upper_rect r) (i + 1);
              aux (left_rect r) (i + 1);
              aux (right_rect r) (i + 1)
      in aux init 0;
    (* main *)
    let iter = stdin |> input_line |> int_of_string
    let () = sierpinkski_fractal ~size:5 ~iteration:iter |> print_matrix print_string

    My recursion solution in Haskell:

    main :: IO ()
    main = readLn >>= putStr . unlines . sierpinski 32 63
    sierpinski :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [String]
    sierpinski _ m 0 = f <$> [1,3..m]
        f i = zeroes ++ (replicate i '1') ++ zeroes
          where zeroes = replicate ((m - i) `div` 2) '_'
    sierpinski n m i = (zeroes `comb` smaller `comb` zeroes)
      ++ (smaller `comb` column `comb` smaller)
        m' = m `div` 2
        n' = n `div` 2
        smaller = sierpinski n' m' (i - 1)
        zeroes = replicate n' $ replicate ((m - m') `div` 2) '_'
        column = replicate n' "_"
        comb = zipWith (++)

    This problem is about recursion and functional programming.

    Let's discover recursion pattern. The first figure:
    r = 1 (recursion level)
    h = 4 (hight of the figure)


    The second figure:
    r = 2
    h = 8


    Each triangle with h=4 on the last picture has been submitted by the identical 3 other triangles with half hight (h'=h/2) and less level of recursion (r'=r-1) from the first picture.

    Thus, recursion function looks like

    def figure(r: Int, h: Int): Array[String] ={
    	if (r == 0 | h == 1) triangle(h) else create(figure(r-1, h/2), h/2)


    def triangle(h: Int): Array[String] = {
    <returns Array with simple triangle like this 


    def create(arr: Array[String], h: Int): Array[String] = {
    		<arr is an input triangle. Function returns a figure, which was created from 3 triangles with hight=h and several other objects		

    The transpose(arr), rectangle(h), line(h) functions will help to solve this problem with no val or var :)


    I seemed to have thought about it differently. I saw each triangle a square where each coordinate is colored 1 if (c<=r) and 0 if (c>r). If you add a modulo function over powers of two, you can then generate each succesively smaller pattern. If you multiply them all together you end up with a single function that you then can apply over the range of rows and columns, drop the odd rows, pretty this up into a string and then print it out.


    sm :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
    sm r c m
    | (mod c m) > (mod r m) = 0
    | otherwise = 1
    mv :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
    mv [] [] = []
    mv (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x*y):(mv xs ys)
    prod :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
    prod d r 1 = [sm r c d | c<-[0..(d-1)]]
    prod d r l = mv ([sm r c (div d (2^(l-1))) | c<-[0..(d-1)]]) (prod d r (l-1))
    sier :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
    sier d l = [prod d r l | r <- [0,2..(d-1)]]
    sier :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
    sier d l = [prod d r l | r <- [0,2..(d-1)]]




    for((y=64;y--;));do s="";for((x=64;x--;));do(((x-y/2)&y))&&s+=" "||s+="Δ";done;echo "$s";done