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declare -A matrix NUM_ROWS=63 NUM_COLS=100 for ((i=1; i<=NUM_ROWS; i++)) do for ((j=1; j<=NUM_COLS; j++)) do matrix["$i,$j"]="_" done done read RECURSION_LEVEL func() { local COL="$1" local N="$2" local ROW=$((2**(7-$N))) local SIZE=$(( 2**(5-$N) )) for ((height=0; height<=$SIZE; height++)) do row=$(( $ROW - $height )) matrix[$row,$COL]="1" row=$(( $row -$SIZE )) col1=$(( $COL+$height )) col2=$(( $COL-$height )) matrix[$row,$col1]="1" matrix[$row,$col2]="1" done if [[ $N -lt $RECURSION_LEVEL && $SIZE -gt 1 ]]; then func $(($COL-$SIZE)) $((N+1)) func $(($COL+$SIZE)) $((N+1)) fi } func 50 1 for ((i=1; i<=NUM_ROWS; i++)) do for ((j=1; j<=NUM_COLS; j++)) do echo -n ${matrix["$i,$j"]} done echo done
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Functions and Fractals - Recursive Trees - Bash!
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