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Functions and Fractals - Recursive Trees - Bash!
Functions and Fractals - Recursive Trees - Bash!
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Define the base empty row
base_str="________________________________________________________________________________________________" declare -a str_arr
Read input level
read level
Recursive function to draw fractal tree
draw_fractal() { local current_level=2 local pos=4
Initialize the grid with underscores (_)
for ((i = 0; i < 63; i++)); do str_arr[base_str done
Start drawing from the bottom center
draw_fractal 0 16 49 0
Print the grid from bottom to top
for ((i = 62; i >= 0; i--)); do echo "${str_arr[i]}" done
I looked at the top few, and most basically hardcoded the tree. That's weak.
I was happy with my fairly unique answer. I can be cleaned up better, but I've already spent a few hours on this.
The basic idea was to form each tree based on a base row. At first the tree function was done in 3 parts - trunk, branch left, and branch right - but I was able to roll them into the same loop after I had all three working independantly.
From the base row, the trunk just copies the previous row (if there was a 1 at "base, col)" then you put a 1 at "trunkcur,col"). For the branches you look at the base row plus the offset so "base, col +/- i" (where i is the row difference from branchcur to base) to put a 1 in "branchcur, col +/- (base - branchcur)".
You add an additional 64th row that is just a 1 at "64,50" and now the trees can be built off that single starting point.
takes the number of iterations, starting line, and depth of the tree (starting line is always 63 and depth always starts at 16). Each recursive call decreaments iteration number (base case of 0 where nothing is printed at it returns), calculates a new starting row (decrementing 2 * length of last tree), and sets the next tree length to half the previous. Sofrac 5 63 16
callsfrac 4 31 8
which callsfrac 3 15 4
...Yes, this can all be done iteratively, but I was just too lazy to refactor it for such a small n. The nice thing about this approach is that all the constants are easily adjustable to make it work on any size board with any length trees and any number of branches even.
When the table is printed at the end, just remeber to leave off the 64th starting base row and you're good.
as a bash noob, this was tough, but some brute-force algos always work lol