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Hello, here is my solution. It didn't passed the last test case, but it's a good path of understanding and how you can implement yours one.
intmin(inta,intb){returna>b?b:a;}introunds(intele,inttarget,int**memo){if(ele<target)returnINT_MAX;if(ele==target)return0;if(memo[ele][target]!=-1)returnmemo[ele][target];intresult=1+min(min(rounds(ele-5,target,memo),rounds(ele-2,target,memo)),rounds(ele-1,target,memo));returnmemo[ele][target]=result;}intequal(intn,int*arr){intMIN=INT_MAX;intmax=INT_MIN;/** * We will find the max element * as we need to create our memoization * table *//** * First of all find the minimum * value in the array so we can start * reducing the values to matche it */for(intx=0;x<n;x++){if(arr[x]<MIN)MIN=arr[x];if(arr[x]>max)max=arr[x];}/** * Create the memoization * table to save our computed results * memo[element][target] */int**memo=calloc(max+1,sizeof(int*));for(intx=0;x<=max;x++){memo[x]=calloc(max+1,sizeof(int));}for(intx=0;x<=max;x++){for(intl=0;l<=MIN;l++){memo[x][l]=-1;}}/** * Now starting cutting the array * to matche the minimu value */intmin_rounds=0;intmin_rounds_zero=0;for(intx=0;x<n;x++){min_rounds+=rounds(arr[x],MIN,memo);min_rounds_zero+=rounds(arr[x],0,memo);}for(intx=0;x<=max;x++){free(memo[x]);}free(memo);returnmin(min_rounds,min_rounds_zero);}
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Hello, here is my solution. It didn't passed the last test case, but it's a good path of understanding and how you can implement yours one.