O(nlogn)+O(mlogm)+O(n+k) solution

    The logic is simple, we sort both the arrays, then put pointer 1 on the end of 1 array and pointer 2 at the start of the other. Then just like doing 2 pointer problems, if the sum of value at pointer 1 + pointer 2 is less or equal than our target value, we store the result and increment pointer 2, if its greater then we decrement pointer 1, thereby only traversing both arrays only once.

    `int getMoneySpent(vector keyboards, vector drives, int b) { int n{static_cast(keyboards.size())}; int m{static_cast(drives.size())};

    sort(keyboards.begin(),keyboards.end()); //O(nlogn)
    sort(drives.begin(), drives.end());     //O(mlogm)
    int kb_ptr{n-1};
    int d_ptr{0};
    int result{-1};
    while(kb_ptr >=0 && d_ptr<=m ) {                //O(n+m)
        if(keyboards[kb_ptr]+ drives[d_ptr] <= b){
            result=max(result, keyboards[kb_ptr] + drives[d_ptr]);
    return result;
