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js (solution using priority Q / heap)
function heapMoveUp(hArr, indMap, distance, n) { let ind = indMap[n]; while (ind > 0) { const p = ind - 1 >> 1; if (distance[hArr[p]] > distance[hArr[ind]]) { // comparison [hArr[p], hArr[ind]] = [hArr[ind], hArr[p]]; indMap[hArr[p]] = p; indMap[hArr[ind]] = ind; ind = p; } else { break; } } } function heapMoveDown(hArr, indMap, distance, hSize, n) { let ind = indMap[n]; while (ind < hSize) { let c = 2 * ind + 1; if (c >= hSize) break; const s = c + 1; if (s < hSize && distance[hArr[c]] > distance[hArr[s]]) { // comparison c = s; } if (distance[hArr[ind]] <= distance[hArr[c]]) break; // comparison [hArr[ind], hArr[c]] = [hArr[c], hArr[ind]]; indMap[hArr[ind]] = ind; indMap[hArr[c]] = c; ind = c; } } function shortestReach(n, edges, s) { const graph = {}; for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) { graph[i] = {}; } for (const [begin, end, weight] of edges) { if ((graph[begin][end] ?? Infinity) < weight) continue; graph[begin][end] = weight; graph[end][begin] = weight; } const result = {}; const distance = { [s]: 0 }; const indMap = {}; const hArr = []; let hSize = 0; function insertHeap(n) { const ind = hSize; hArr[hSize++] = n; indMap[n] = ind; heapMoveUp(hArr, indMap, distance, n); } function deleteHeap() { const ret = hArr[0]; hArr[0] = hArr[--hSize]; delete indMap[ret]; indMap[hArr[0]] = 0; heapMoveDown(hArr, indMap, distance, hSize, hArr[0]); return ret; } insertHeap(s); while (hSize > 0) { const nextShortest = deleteHeap(); const minDis = distance[nextShortest]; result[nextShortest] = minDis; for (const [node, weight] of Object.entries(graph[nextShortest])) { if (result[node] !== undefined) continue; const isInsert = distance[node] === undefined; const nDis = minDis + weight; if (isInsert) { distance[node] = nDis; insertHeap(node); } else if (distance[node] > nDis) { distance[node] = nDis; heapMoveUp(hArr, indMap, distance, node); } } } const ret = []; for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (i === s) continue; ret.push(result[i] ?? -1); } return ret; }
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Dijkstra: Shortest Reach 2
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js (solution using priority Q / heap)