Dijkstra: Shortest Reach 2

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469 Discussions



    I couldn't find a way to pass test case #7 using python due to timeout. I tried all approaches from former posts that used to work, but no way. I overcome it rewriting the same algo in cpp and them it passed in the first attempt.


    GoPromotional products Dijkstra: Shortest Reach 2 is an innovative approach to solving the shortest path problem in graph theory, often used in computer science and network optimization. By implementing this algorithm, users can efficiently calculate the shortest path between two points in a graph, providing essential insights for routing, logistics, and data communication. This advanced solution ensures improved performance and speed for complex systems, making it a key tool for modern problem-solving.


    js (solution using priority Q / heap)

    function heapMoveUp(hArr, indMap, distance, n) {
        let ind = indMap[n];
        while (ind > 0) {
            const p = ind - 1 >> 1;
            if (distance[hArr[p]] > distance[hArr[ind]]) { // comparison
                [hArr[p], hArr[ind]] = [hArr[ind], hArr[p]];
                indMap[hArr[p]] = p;
                indMap[hArr[ind]] = ind;
                ind = p;
            } else {
    function heapMoveDown(hArr, indMap, distance, hSize, n) {
        let ind = indMap[n];
        while (ind < hSize) {
            let c = 2 * ind + 1;
            if (c >= hSize) break;
            const s = c + 1;
            if (s < hSize && distance[hArr[c]] > distance[hArr[s]]) { // comparison
                c = s;
            if (distance[hArr[ind]] <= distance[hArr[c]]) break; // comparison
            [hArr[ind], hArr[c]] = [hArr[c], hArr[ind]];
            indMap[hArr[ind]] = ind;
            indMap[hArr[c]] = c;
            ind = c;
    function shortestReach(n, edges, s) {
        const graph = {};
        for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            graph[i] = {};
        for (const [begin, end, weight] of edges) {
            if ((graph[begin][end] ?? Infinity) < weight) continue;
            graph[begin][end] = weight;
            graph[end][begin] = weight;
        const result = {};
        const distance = { [s]: 0 };
        const indMap = {};
        const hArr = [];
        let hSize = 0;
        function insertHeap(n) {
            const ind = hSize;
            hArr[hSize++] = n;
            indMap[n] = ind;
            heapMoveUp(hArr, indMap, distance, n);
        function deleteHeap() {
            const ret = hArr[0];
            hArr[0] = hArr[--hSize];
            delete indMap[ret];
            indMap[hArr[0]] = 0;
            heapMoveDown(hArr, indMap, distance, hSize, hArr[0]);
            return ret;
        while (hSize > 0) {
            const nextShortest = deleteHeap();
            const minDis = distance[nextShortest];
            result[nextShortest] = minDis;
            for (const [node, weight] of Object.entries(graph[nextShortest])) {
                if (result[node] !== undefined) continue;
                const isInsert = distance[node] === undefined;
                const nDis = minDis + weight;
                if (isInsert) {
                    distance[node] = nDis;
                } else if (distance[node] > nDis) {
                    distance[node] = nDis;
                    heapMoveUp(hArr, indMap, distance, node);
        const ret = [];
        for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            if (i === s) continue;
            ret.push(result[i] ?? -1);
        return ret;


    function shortestReach(n, edges, s) {
        const graph = {};
        for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            graph[i] = {};
        for (const [begin, end, weight] of edges) {
            if ((graph[begin][end] ?? Infinity) < weight) continue;
            graph[begin][end] = weight;
            graph[end][begin] = weight;
        const result = {};
        const distance = { [s]: 0 };
        const candidates = new Set([s]);
        while (candidates.size) {
            let nextShortest;
            let minDis = Infinity;
            for (const c of candidates) {
                if (distance[c] < minDis) {
                    nextShortest = c;
                    minDis = distance[c];
            result[nextShortest] = minDis;
            for (const [node, dis] of Object.entries(graph[nextShortest])) {
                if (result[node] !== undefined) continue;
                distance[node] = Math.min(
                    distance[node] ?? Infinity,
                    minDis + dis
        const ret = [];
        for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            if (i === s) continue;
            ret.push(result[i] ?? -1);
        return ret;

    what is the problem with this algorithm I just can't get around the fact that my algorithm seems right and yet only 2 test cases are passing

    import os
    import heapq
    class Graph:
        def __init__(self, numberOfNodes, directed=True):
            self.__numberOfNodes = numberOfNodes
            self.__directed = directed
            self.__adjmatrix = [[0 for _ in range(numberOfNodes)] for _ in range(numberOfNodes)]
        def add_edge(self, node1, node2, weight=1):
            self.__adjmatrix[node1][node2] = weight
            if not self.__directed:
                self.__adjmatrix[node2][node1] = weight
        def dijkstra(self, start_node):
            distances = [float('inf')] * self.__numberOfNodes
            distances[start_node] = 0
            visited = set()
            pq = [(0, start_node)]
            while pq:
                current_distance, current_node = heapq.heappop(pq)
                if current_node in visited:
                for neighbor in range(self.__numberOfNodes):
                    if self.__adjmatrix[current_node][neighbor] > 0:
                        new_distance = current_distance + self.__adjmatrix[current_node][neighbor]
                        if neighbor==1:
                        if new_distance < distances[neighbor]:
                            distances[neighbor] = new_distance
                            heapq.heappush(pq, (new_distance, neighbor))
            print(f"distances: {distances}")
            return distances
    def shortestReach(n, edges, s):
        graph = Graph(n, directed=False)
        for edge in edges:
            graph.add_edge(edge[0] - 1, edge[1] - 1, edge[2])
        result = graph.dijkstra(s - 1)
        result.pop(s - 1)
        updated_list = [-1 if x == float('inf') else x for x in result]
        return updated_list
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')
        t = int(input().strip())
        for _ in range(t):
            n, m = map(int, input().split())
            edges = []
            for _ in range(m):
                edges.append(list(map(int, input().split())))
            s = int(input().strip())
            result = shortestReach(n, edges, s)
            fptr.write(' '.join(map(str, result)))