Coolguy and Two Subsequences


    Python3 solution

    # Each number is worth its position within the triangle of segments
    #    abc
    #   ab bc
    #  a b b c
    # We can calculate the number of comparisons each would have if it was
    # the minimum as the nodes that are not parents of children, which ends
    # up being triangular numbers
    #        (0, 0)
    #    (1, 0) (0, 1)
    # (2, 0) (1, 1) (0, 2)
    # The value of a minimum at any location is the sum of all weights above it
    # (plus the size of all other existing triangles)
    # so weight(onleft, onright) = weight(L, R) = (L+1)(sum T_[0..R]) + (R+1)(sum T_[0..L])
    # The sum of triangular numbers is n*n+1*n+2/6
    import sys
    N = int(sys.stdin.readline())
    A = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())
    M = (10 ** 9) + 7
    def main():
        # Populate lookups
        ord_to_val = {}
        ord_to_ind = {}
        for o, (i, v) in enumerate(sorted(enumerate(A), key = lambda iv: iv[1])):
            ord_to_val[o] = v
            ord_to_ind[o] = i
        # Segments
        segment_inds = [(0, N - 1)]
        # Traverse min to max
        total = 0
        all_tri = tri(N)
        for ordv in range(N):
            ind = ord_to_ind[ordv]
            segment_index = find_segment(ind, segment_inds)
            first, last = segment_inds[segment_index]
            seg_tri = tri(last - first + 1)
            to_left = ind - first
            to_right = last - ind
            ext_tri = all_tri - seg_tri
            weight = worth(to_left, to_right, ext_tri)
            value = (weight * ord_to_val[ordv]) % M
            total = (total + value) % M
            # Prepare for next
            update_segment_inds(segment_inds, segment_index, first, last, ind)
            all_tri = (all_tri - seg_tri + tri(to_left) + tri(to_right)) % M
        return total
    def find_segment(ind, segment_inds):
        # If generating this list is expensive, can maintain both lower and lower-upper
        index = bisect_r(segment_inds, ind) - 1
        return index
    def bisect_r(vals, val):
        """ From bisect library, adapted to only search lower bound """
        lo = 0
        hi = len(vals)
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) // 2
            if val < vals[mid][0]: hi = mid
            else: lo = mid + 1
        return lo
    def update_segment_inds(segment_inds, segment_index, first, last, ind):
        if ind == first:
            new_segments = [(first + 1, last)]
        elif ind == last:
            new_segments = [(first, last - 1)]
            new_segments = [(first, ind - 1), (ind + 1, last)]
        segment_inds[segment_index:segment_index + 1] = new_segments
    def worth(m, n, ext_tri):
        # Divide by 6 before modding to avoid crazy
        n_sum = ((n * (n + 1) * (n + 2)) // 6) % M
        m_sum = ((m * (m + 1) * (m + 2)) // 6) % M
        # Add external triangles for each member
        e_sum = (ext_tri * (n + 1) * (m + 1)) % M
        return ((n + 1) * m_sum + (m + 1) * n_sum + e_sum) % M
    def tri(x):
        return ((x * (x + 1)) // 2) % M
    if __name__ == '__main__':