Coolguy gives you a simple problem. Given a -indexed array, , containing elements, what will be after this pseudocode is implemented and executed? Print .
//f(a, b) is a function that returns the minimum element in interval [a, b]
ans = 0
for a -> [1, n]
for b -> [a, n]
for c -> [b + 1, n]
for d -> [c, n]
ans = ans + min(f(a, b), f(c, d))
Input Format
The first line contains (the size of array ).
The second line contains space-separated integers describing .
- ≤ ≤
- ≤ ≤
Note: is -indexed (i.e.: ).
Output Format
Print the integer result of .
Sample Input
3 2 1
Sample Output
We then sum these numbers () and print , which is .