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from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import ClassVar from functools import cached_property from itertools import chain class GameSetup: goalX = 1 goalY = 2 grid = ["...", ".X.",'...'] @dataclass(eq=True, order=True) class Move(GameSetup): x: int = field(hash=True, compare=False) y: int = field(hash=True, compare=False) step:int = field(default=0, hash=False, compare=True) cost:float = field(init=False, hash=False, compare=True) def __post_init__(self): self.cost = self.get_cost() def __hash__(self): return hash((self.x, self.y)) @property def maxX(self): return len(GameSetup.grid)-1 @property def maxY(self): return len(GameSetup.grid[0])-1 def get_cost(self) -> float: if self.x > self.maxX or self.x < 0 or self.y > self.maxY or self.y < 0: scost = 1e9 elif Move.grid[self.x][self.y] == 'X': scost = 1e9 else: scost = (self.goalX-self.x) ** 2 + (self.goalY-self.y) ** 2 return scost def all_moves(self): row = GameSetup.grid[self.x] col = ''.join([r[self.y] for r in GameSetup.grid]) x_min = max(0, col.rfind('X', 0, self.x)) xx = col.find('X', self.x) if xx == -1: xx = self.maxX x_max = min(self.maxX, xx) print(col, x_min, x_max) y_min = max(0, row.rfind('X', 0, self.y)) yy = row.find('X', self.y) print(row, yy) if yy == -1: yy = self.maxY print(self.maxY, yy) y_max = min(self.maxY, yy) ret = [] print(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) for y in chain(range(y_min, self.y), range(self.y+1, y_max+1)): ret.append(Move(self.x, y, self.step+1)) for x in chain(range(x_min, self.x), range(self.x+1, x_max+1)): ret.append(Move(x, self.y, self.step+1)) return re def minimumMoves(grid, startX, startY, goalX, goalY): # Write your code here GameSetup.goalX = goalX GameSetup.goalY = goalY GameSetup.grid = grid moves = [Move(startX, startY, 0)] processed = set() while moves: move = heapq.heappop(moves) #move = moves[-1] print(f"current_{move=}") processed.add(tuple((move.x, move.y))) startX = move.x startY = move.y step = move.step if (startX, startY) == (goalX, goalY): return step next_moves = move.all_moves() valid_moves = [m for m in next_moves if m.cost < 1e9 and tuple((m.x, m.y)) not in processed] #valid_moves = sorted(valid_moves, reverse=True) for v in valid_moves: processed.add((v.x, v.y)) moves.extend(valid_moves) heapq.heapify(moves) print(f"{moves=}") print(f"{processed=}"
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Castle on the Grid
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