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We don't need to build string, just set up the string length counter to get the first on bigger than the Number n. Then decompose the F(n)= F(n-1) + F(n-2). This structure indicate the string is always prefix with F(n-1). If number is bigger then F(n-1), then decompose the F(n-2), otherwise decompose F(n-1). This is my Java Version which pass all test:
static int getResult(String one, String two, BigInteger n) {
List<BigInteger> fcount = new ArrayList<BigInteger>();
BigInteger oneInt = BigInteger.valueOf(one.length());
BigInteger twoInt = BigInteger.valueOf(two.length());
int result = -1;
oneInt = twoInt;
twoInt = fcount.get(fcount.size()-1);
int i = fcount.size() -3;
int currentIndex = i;
while(i>=0) {
BigInteger current = fcount.get(i);
if(n.compareTo(current)>0) {
n = n.subtract(current);
currentIndex = i;
result = one.charAt(n.intValue() - 1);
result = two.charAt(n.intValue() - 1);
i = currentIndex - 2;
currentIndex = i;
if(result == -1)
result = two.charAt(n.intValue() - 1);
return (result - 48);
Project Euler #230: Fibonacci Words
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We don't need to build string, just set up the string length counter to get the first on bigger than the Number n. Then decompose the F(n)= F(n-1) + F(n-2). This structure indicate the string is always prefix with F(n-1). If number is bigger then F(n-1), then decompose the F(n-2), otherwise decompose F(n-1). This is my Java Version which pass all test: