Project Euler #208: Robot Walks

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8 Discussions



    Top scorers, care to explain whether there is any algorithm can be better than exponential in time complexiy?

    I am extremely curious on whether that is possible without special logic for differnt n values.

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    what does it mean to read from STDIN and output to STDIN? How do you do that?

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    I have had a hard time with similar problems before.

    Simply put, there are 2^m possible paths to test. This is easy, unless they are too many. Which they are.

    Dynamic programming helps, but not that far. Memory is not enough to remember paths (since they only occationally overlap) and/or there are too many solutions to calculate to do it in time.

    It is (perhaps) possible to eliminate some subset of paths.

    Can anyone give a hint? Is dynamic programming with some twist possible? Or a completely different approach required?

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    Can anyone explain to me what is the use of Modulo K in the input? I'm a little confused

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    I did some editing of the solution at (

    I got it to work for the first testcase but not the others :(