Project Euler #121: Disc game prize fund


    I had the correct algorithm, but was getting failure on test 3. Now that I fixed the problem, I realize that the issue was all due to not handling the integer division with enough precision for the larger N values. To get around that, I used the python fraction library. Here's the code:

    from fractions import Fraction
    from math import floor
    def compute_outcomes(n):
        outcomes = [0]*(n+1)
        outcomes[-1] = 1
        outcomes[-2] = 1 #outcomes represents values of outcome tree after i turns
        for i in range(2, n+1): #looping through levels i of tree
            for j in range(n):
                outcomes[j] = outcomes[j + 1] #number of ways to get to given node is above right node plus i*(above left node)               
            outcomes[n] = 0 #far right node initialized to 0 since only contribution is from above left node
            for j in range(n, 0, -1): #not including node 0 since it doesn't have contribution from above left
                outcomes[j] += outcomes[j - 1] * i; #contribution from above left node of tree
        return outcomes
    def compute_price(outcomes):
        n = len(outcomes) - 1
        k = (n+1)//2
        return Fraction(sum(outcomes), sum(outcomes[:k]))
    T = int(input())
    for j in range(T):
        N = int(input())
        outcomes = compute_outcomes(N)
        s = compute_price(outcomes)