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~Don't know what to do..
var factorials = [1:1] func factorial(n: Int) -> Int{ if let fact = factorials[n]{ return fact } if n > 0{ let r = n*factorial(n: n-1) factorials[n] = r return r } return 1 } func getTiles(n: Int, m: Int) -> Int{ var result = 0 for i in 1...n/m{ let tile = i let empty = n-(i*m) let sum = tile+empty result += factorial(n: sum)/(factorial(n: tile)*factorial(n: empty)) } return result } func ways(n: Int) -> Int{ return getTiles(n: n, m: 2)+getTiles(n: n, m: 3)+getTiles(n: n, m: 4) }
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Project Euler #116: Red, green or blue tiles
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Swift. [Segmentation Fault]
~Don't know what to do..