Project Euler #114: Counting block combinations I

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    Hi, I have tried this problem a few times and keep failing due to timeout (a bit frustrating). Here's my code which runs O(n). It is based on the idea that f(n) = 2* f(n-1) - f(n-2) + f(n-m-1). Can someone give any hint what would be a better solution?

    def f(n, m):
        if n < m: return 1
        if n == m: return 2
        a = [1] * (m + 1)
        a[m] = 2
        value, p = 0, 0
        for _ in range(m + 1, n + 1):
            value = 2 * a[(p+m) % (m+1)] - a[(p+m-1) % (m+1)] + a[p]
            a[p] = value
            p = (p+1) % (m+1)
        return value