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Python 3: Passed all the tests
import math import bisect big_N = 10**7 N = 3164 #sqrt(10**7) Primes = [True]*N for i in range(2, int(N**0.5)): if Primes[i] == True: for j in range(i * i, int(N), i): Primes[j] = False Primes[0] = Primes[1] = False sum_list = set() for i in range(2, math.ceil(math.sqrt(big_N))): for j in range(2, math.ceil(big_N ** (1/3))): for k in range(2, math.ceil(big_N ** (1/4))): if Primes[i] and Primes[j] and Primes[k]: # print(i, j, k) Sum = i**2 + j**3 + k**4 if Sum > big_N: break sum_list.add(Sum) sums = list(sum_list) sums.sort() for i in range(int(input())): n = int(input()) print(bisect.bisect_right(sums, n))
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Project Euler #87: Prime power triples
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Python 3: Passed all the tests