Project Euler #85: Counting rectangles


    100 Points C++

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cmath>
    int main()
      unsigned int tests = 1;
      std::cin >> tests;
      while (tests--)
        unsigned int target = 2000000;
        std::cin >> target;
        // assume x <= y, therefore x <= sqrt(limit)
        unsigned int root = sqrt(target);
        unsigned int bestRectangles = 0;
        unsigned int bestArea       = 0;
        for (unsigned int x = 1; x <= root + 1; x++) // allow slight overshooting
          // start with a sqaure
          unsigned int y = x;
          // number of rectangles
          unsigned int rectangles = 0;
          // slowly increase y until too many rectangle in the grid
            unsigned int area = x * y;
            // the formula derived above
            rectangles = x * (x + 1) * y * (y + 1) / 4;
            // closer to desired number of rectangles than before ?
            if (abs(bestRectangles - target) > abs(rectangles - target))
              bestRectangles = rectangles;
              bestArea       = area;
            // prefer larger areas, too (additional requirement of Hackerrank)
            if (abs(bestRectangles - target) == abs(rectangles - target) && bestArea < area)
              bestArea = area;
          } while (rectangles < target);
          // just a speed-up ... abortion when the inner loop exited with a square area x*y
          // => it means that no further solutions possible, area already too large
          if (y == x + 1) // plus one because y was incremented before leaving the inner loop
        std::cout << bestArea << std::endl;
      return 0;