Project Euler #82: Path sum: three ways


    I'm using Dijkstra with a PriorityQueue. It runs fast enough but is failing on tests 3 through 6

    function euler082($matrix, $n): int
        $graph = graph($matrix, $n);
        $length = count($graph);
        $distances = array_fill(0, $length, null);
        $target = $length - 1;
        $start = $target - 1;
        $pq = new MinPq();
        $distances[$start] = 0;
        $pq->insert($start, $distances[$start]);
        while (!$pq->isEmpty()) {
            list($curr, $dist) = $pq->extract();
            foreach ($graph[$curr] as $next => $next_dist) {
                $sum = $dist + $next_dist;
                if (is_null($distances[$next]) || $distances[$next] > $sum) {
                    $distances[$next] = $sum;
                    $pq->insert($next, $distances[$next]);
        return $distances[$target];
    function graph($matrix, $n) {
        $length = $n ** 2;
        $graph = [];
        $transforms = [
            # row, col, index
            [-1, 0, -$n],
            [0, -1, -1],
            [1, 0, $n],
            [0, 1, 1],
        // Connecting graph vertexes
        for ($index = 0; $index < $length; $index++) {
            list($row, $col) = ydiv($index, $n);
            foreach ($transforms as list($trow, $tcol, $tidx)) {
                $trow += $row;
                $tcol += $col;
                $tidx += $index;
                if (isset($matrix[$trow][$tcol])) {
                    $dist = $matrix[$trow][$tcol];
                    $graph[$index][$tidx] = $dist;
        // Connecting start and target vertexes to first and last columns
        $start_index = $length;
        $target_index = $start_index + 1;
        for ($row = 0; $row < $n; $row++) {
            $first_col_idx = $row * $n;
            $last_col_idx = ($row + 1) * $n - 1;
            $graph[$start_index][$first_col_idx] = $matrix[$row][0];
            $graph[$first_col_idx][$start_index] = 0;
            $graph[$target_index][$last_col_idx] = $matrix[$row][$n - 1];
            $graph[$last_col_idx][$target_index] = 0;
        return $graph;
    class MinPq extends SplPriorityQueue
        public function __construct()
        public function extract()
            return array_values(parent::extract());
        public function compare($a, $b)
            return -($a <=> $b);
    function ydiv(int $a, int $b): array
        return [
            intval($a / $b),
            $a % $b,
    function gets(): string
        return trim(fgets(STDIN));
    function puts(string $str): void
        echo $str, PHP_EOL;
    function logs($var): void
        if (is_scalar($var)) {
        } else {
    $n = intval(gets());
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
        $matrix[$i] = array_map('intval', explode(' ', gets()));
    puts(euler082($matrix, $n));