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Since I'll be using a bottom-up approach, I've assembled the triangle in reverse before calling the solution function
<?php function solution($triangle) { $len = count($triangle); foreach ($triangle as $i => &$curr) { if ($i == $len - 1) { return $curr[0]; } $next = &$triangle[$i + 1]; foreach ($next as $j => $val) { $next[$j] += max($curr[$j], $curr[$j + 1]); } } } $_fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $q = intval(trim(fgets($_fp))); while ($q--) { $j = intval(trim(fgets($_fp))); $triangle = array_fill(0, $j, null); while ($j--) { $triangle[$j] = array_map('intval', explode(' ', trim(fgets($_fp)))); } echo solution($triangle), PHP_EOL; } fclose($_fp);
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Project Euler #67: Maximum path sum II
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Since I'll be using a bottom-up approach, I've assembled the triangle in reverse before calling the solution function