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See full explaination with commented code at Beta Projects Project Euler 54
from collections import Counter values = {r: i for i, r in enumerate('23456789TJQKA', start=2)} straights = [(v, v-1, v-2, v-3, v-4) for v in range(14, 5, -1)] + [(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)] ranks = [(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),(2, 1, 1, 1),(2, 2, 1),(3, 1, 1),(),(),(3, 2),(4, 1)] def hand_rank(hand): counts = Counter(card[0] for card in hand) sorted_counts = sorted(((v, values[k]) for k, v in counts.items()), reverse=True) score = list(zip(*sorted_counts)) try: score[0] = ranks.index(score[0]) except ValueError: score[0] = 0 # Default to High card if not found if len(set(card[1] for card in hand)) == 1: score[0] = 5 # Flush rank current_straight = tuple(score[1]) if current_straight == (14, 5, 4, 3, 2): score[1] = (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) current_straight = (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) if current_straight in straights: score[0] = 8 if score[0] == 5 else 4 # 8: Straight Flush, 4: Straight return score for _ in range(int(input())): hand = input().split() player1, player2 = hand[:5], hand[5:] print("Player 1" if hand_rank(player1) > hand_rank(player2) else "Player 2")
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Project Euler #54: Poker hands
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See full explaination with commented code at Beta Projects Project Euler 54